What do you do for FUN?

Hey everyone, I was wondering what you like to do for FUN?

Play guitar, listen to music, and watch Supernatural.

ISN'T THAT CUTE? BROTHER AND SISTER! awwwwwwwwwwww they love each other! 

ok, i'm done being annoying. (maybe)


i like to bowl, read, watch movies, play with the dog, be a giant dork in general. i don't talk much when i'm actually with people - i like to listen and observe. my friends and i have a tendency to hang out in rather large groups, so i make my rounds eavesdropping and giggle about it all later. i'm definitely a people watcher.

i like to do lots of things, but those are the only ones coming to my mind at the moment.

Haha I almost never talk when I am in large groups, sometimes I will laugh and the people around will look and say "I thought you left awhile ago." I will keep that laughing after trick in mind for next time. ;)

exercise, rugby, play cello, go shooting, cook fun things. bowling and beer go hand in hand. i like to be a geek in general and right now, what i like to do involves apartment hunting.

Run, read, sleep, make fun of people, Farmville (stupid Zynga and my obsession with grwoing stuff), pray, read, make fun of people, Ultimate Frisbee, ride my bike. Read.

Did I say read?? Oh and video games!!!

[quote user="Brian Q."]

Run, read, sleep, make fun of people, Farmville (stupid Zynga and my obsession with grwoing stuff), pray, read, make fun of people, Ultimate Frisbee, ride my bike. Read.

Did I say read?? Oh and video games!!!


haha sleeping is always a fun thing to do. ;) What kind of video games do you play?

Well I have been playing at DC Universe online as of late. But normally like MLB the Show, was palying Epic Mickey as well. I am not much of a shooting game person, I get to worked up and jumpy sometimes when playing those.

[quote user="Brian Q."]

Well I have been playing at DC Universe online as of late. But normally like MLB the Show, was palying Epic Mickey as well. I am not much of a shooting game person, I get to worked up and jumpy sometimes when playing those.


Mario Kart for N64!!!!

i <3 mariokart so much. i'm a terrible driver.

Mario Kart for wii, I crash all the time. Glad to know I can drive betterish.

Has anybody on here played Super Mario 64? I used to play Crash Bandicoot Warped a lot too. Mario Kart is fun too except for when your brother throws banana peels everywhere. ;)

yeah, your brother is kind of a banana peel wench.

Wench is a term for women. I'm more like a banana peel pirate. Arrrr I be gettin' meself some 'ananas down by te wenches in Tortuga. Den I be throwin' them at me sister.

Haha, too bad I have the turtle shells and oil slicks to stop you. :P

I be likin to be doin plundering for fun. And be drinkin root beer at the Tortuga. Me love some treasure. I be a single pirate, cause the wenches be too confusin.

[quote user="Mark"]

I be a single pirate, cause the wenches be too confusin.


Pat you always know which picture to use. How do you do that?

[quote user="Mark"]

Pat you always know which picture to use. How do you do that?


a youth wasted in front of the television and knowing what daily situations can be tied to funny/awkward/offensive movies or shows :)

At least you found a way to entertain others with your "wasted youth" so in the end it wasn't really a waste was it?