For fun, what talent do you have or hobby that you like to do ? Dance,sing,write,music,sew,paint,ect....My daughter likes to draw :)
i can't say i have many talents or hobbies... but i do have lots of 'stuff' i like to do :D
i like to dance and sing karaoke. photography and photo editing are things i like to play around with in my spare time. i also like to write on occasion and pretend i'm a rockstar along with the radio. andi love to read and watch movies. i feel i live in reality far too much, so to be taken away by book or movie is quite entertaining to me :o) i used to sew a lot. i've never had a sewing maching, so it's always been by hand. i used to sew clothes for my barbies, dolls, and occasionally my dog.
Drawing (I'm really good at cartoons :P) writing (ANYTHING) playing music (drums, alto sax, flute, guitar, harmonica, recorder, trumpet) Dance (ballet) and "sing" with my friends (more like screaming songs at the top of our lungs) but other than that just singing along to mu iTunes in my room :P
rock climbing! also, many other things.
[quote user="meme"]
For fun, what talent do you have or hobby that you like to do ? Dance,sing,write,music,sew,paint,ect....My daughter likes to draw :)
Not sure if this a talent, but I fix things, all kinds of things. If I get curious about how something works, look out. LOL Never had a computer till about 2000, now I build my own and tweak my os like crazy.
[quote user="Adriana S"]
Drawing (I'm really good at cartoons :P) writing (ANYTHING) playing music (drums, alto sax, flute, guitar, harmonica, recorder, trumpet) Dance (ballet) and "sing" with my friends (more like screaming songs at the top of our lungs) but other than that just singing along to mu iTunes in my room :P
Wow Adriana that's quite a long list for one so young. You are something really special Beatles Girl. LOL
C stole some of mine. :) I love photography. I got my first camera when I was 8 years old and I never stopped taking pictures. My husband finally bought me a scrapbook kit a couple of years ago. I had a bit of professional training in photography and I would like to persue it as a career one day. (It is my only artistic ability.)
I also love to read, only fiction and fantasy; vampires, faeiries, etc.
I consider my superb organizational skills a talent, sort of. :)
My son loves superheros. We were really excited to find a book called "Even Superheroes Get Diabetes." He also enjoys drawing, coloring and just playing. He's great at sports (for a kindergartener). He plays soccer, tee ball, and basketball, and he's a green belt in karate. None of this has slowed down since his diagnosis.
I LOVE songwriting!!!!!! :) It's the best ever!!!!
hmmm...on a side note, it's actually sped up since my diagnosis. It's become my outlet.
Drawing, painting, photography, web design, graphic design, social media stuff like twitter, facebook! I like to go to the movies and dinner with the hubby hang with friends. Play words with friends on my ipod touch. Hang out with family.
I dance.....mostly ballet, but I LOVE contemporary, and hip-hop, and lyrical.....I write a lot because through writing and dance is the way I can express myself. I play bass, piano, some recorder, and I can play drums fairly well. I love to sing, but I usually sing to my shower head :) I am a very musical personnnnn =D
[quote user="Keith221"]
[quote user="Adriana S"]
Drawing (I'm really good at cartoons :P) writing (ANYTHING) playing music (drums, alto sax, flute, guitar, harmonica, recorder, trumpet) Dance (ballet) and "sing" with my friends (more like screaming songs at the top of our lungs) but other than that just singing along to mu iTunes in my room :P
Wow Adriana that's quite a long list for one so young. You are something really special Beatles Girl. LOL
I love to read ... multiple newspapers each day, fiction, non-fiction. Also, I've been getting to into photography lately.
I wish I was musical like many of you!
MUSIC IS MY LIFE (classical, but I like to listen to rock and other stuff). I like to ski and run, too, and do yoga. I love photography, too, but I haven't done it in a long time. Reading, writing poetry, watching the news, learning about anything science-related.
I do things but dont think I am talented. I paint finger and toe nails just for fun or did. I paint things like xmas trees or light stockings eggs hearts turkeys lol dragonflies. Just fun stuff. I have never gone to school for it or anything. I use to read but have not in a while. Uhm I use to color my hair in crazy colors just for fun. It was more of a hobby than just coloring it. Now its just brown. I guess facebook and napping are my only hobbies now lol.
Riley likes to color paint and draw. She also loves to learn about animals. She is a animal whack-O loves them all.
I ride horses! and Rodeo! and I am very into music. I always have been. When I was little I sang all the songs i liked on my grandma's recorder, and she made a tape out of it. I wish I could find that lol. I also play flute, guitar, and piano. I've played piano since I was about 7, but after I turned 10 I didn't have anyone to teach me but a lady who lives an hour away. I only went to her for a year and then I couldn't go anymore so I don't play so much now. I also hae danced since I was little. I began formal lessons right after I was diagnosed with D and took them until 3 years ago when the teacher quit. so 4 years. and I also took gymnastics for the five years after I was diagnosed. so until 2 years ago lol. and did competitive cheerleading in 5th and 6th grade and quit in Junior High because it was not fun to be on the actual school team. A TON of what I like to do involves music, and hopefully, I get into the college/show choir that I am going to try out for this summer. then after that get a certificate in horse training and ranch managment as well as the music/dance/acting major from the Young Americans if I get into that lol wow this ended p being really long!!
I am multi-talented. I can put my left foot in my mouth. Oddly not my right in the physical sense. In the figurative sense I put my foot in my mouth all the time. I am an awesome Ultimate Frisbee player, I read, sing, don't dance (I am all thumbs when I dance). I tell mucho corny jokes, not sure if that is a talent or not though. I once drove rushing to a meeting at speeds we won't talk about holding a king size diet coke in my left hand, Pizza in my right hand, and shifting, all at the same time. That takes mad skill. I also ski.
Golf and cycling. I compete in state/regional amateur golf tournaments, and ride in some of the local road races at the category 4/5 level
[quote user="Brian Q."]
I am multi-talented. I can put my left foot in my mouth. Oddly not my right in the physical sense. In the figurative sense I put my foot in my mouth all the time. I am an awesome Ultimate Frisbee player, I read, sing, don't dance (I am all thumbs when I dance). I tell mucho corny jokes, not sure if that is a talent or not though. I once drove rushing to a meeting at speeds we won't talk about holding a king size diet coke in my left hand, Pizza in my right hand, and shifting, all at the same time. That takes mad skill. I also ski.
i wish i was bpq
Many people wish, no one can come through on that though. I am unique. Which reminds me, How do you catch a unique rabbit???
Ready for this: U niqe up on it!!!!!! Bwahahahaha!