[quote user="Mark"]
At least you found a way to entertain others with your "wasted youth" so in the end it wasn't really a waste was it?
it was all because I had a feeling I'd be entertaining a canadian young adult when I turned 25 :P
[quote user="Mark"]
At least you found a way to entertain others with your "wasted youth" so in the end it wasn't really a waste was it?
it was all because I had a feeling I'd be entertaining a canadian young adult when I turned 25 :P
LOL thank you Pat. They should have a stand up comedy forum on here. In fact I think I should create one.
hmmm what do i like to do for fun well when im not workin (which is never lol) i like to lay down watch tv, go shopping, sometimes i like to read it just depends on if im in the mood and i also like to just hang out and relax which is nice after you have worked 6 days in a row!!!!! :)
I am a regular super mario bros fan.......plus I like to read, scrapbook, spend time with my girls and husband, and find fun things to do with my students at school. I love learning about new teaching ideas and methods. Have any of you seen the TV show, My Strange Addiction???? It has me hooked....it's pretty outrageous what some of those people are addicted to!! Amazing Race is also a favorite of mine.....new one starts tonight.
I have seen that show my strange addiction. IT IS CRAZY. Mostly I want to throw up seeing what people do, but it is strangley fascinating to see what they do. One person was addicted to eating foam from couch cushions, and another ate toilet paper. WOW.
Thumbs up for super marios bros!
Scrapbooking is a lot of fun, so much creativity! I just started scrapbooking myself and it is definitely a lot of fun! :D
I blog!
My blog is about my life with type 1 diabetes
I try to scrapbook, but I am just not one of those people who can put stuff down on a page and make it look pretty. My pages look like a 10-yr-old did them. :P My friend can, tho, and they blow me away.
My hobbies? Read, bike, be on here, write in my journal, talk on the phone, fence, go on vacation :)
I do Olympic Weightlifting, work, cook, shoot things (legally). Just applied for my firearms collector permit in MD. Picking up my 3rd gun today (AK47).
Pat... You'll love your newest addition to your collection. The best thing I've ever shot was an old (really old) computer monitor. It kind've oozed some black stuff, hence the reason it was so cool.
Jenn you seem awesome haha. Come to bmore. I think the only things I'm going to be shooting until I find a friend with lots of property are paper targets :P Here, have a pic:
Hahahahahahahaha! Good picture, pattycakes. I like it. We have plenty of open farmland for you to shoot your heart out here ;o)
Nothing wrong with paper targets - especially when taped to things that go clang! There are, however, a few that are quite fun. Like images of a dart board, or bingo card, etc. You can also get creative and make smiley faces with the holes.
The pic is good. The striped shirt is the clincher. :-D Bmore is a bit far.... and crowded. I really like the wide open spaces of the southwestern desert. You should head this way,