Hello , I’m 15 years old and I have had T1d for about 3/4 years now… and I haven’t had the greatest journey with my diabetes but I was wondering if anyone knew any good teen online support groups??
Hi, and welcome to TypeOneNation! I’m so glad you found us!!
Do you have Snapchat or Whatsapp? I’m a member of a few different T1D Teen group chats on both of those apps. If you want to join, please pm me and we can exchange contact info! If not, I’ll be more than happy to email you–I’m considering creating an email group for the folks who don’t have social media.
I look forward to talking to you!
@bookwormnerd13, if you make an email group, please let me know. I don’t have social media at all besides email.
Hey Guys!
My name is Cassidy and I am 13 years old like Amanda I don’t have any social media either I can text… But no social media I would also love to be included on a email chain with some people like me! Let me know right away if and when you start one!!
Hi everyone, i would love to start an email chat so if you guys could message me your emails i would get on that right away and if you know anyone else just tell them to message me also.
You have mine.
Update–I just created an email thread! I think all of you are on it. If you’re not, and want to join, pm me with your email address and I’ll be happy to add you.
Hi there, can i please be added to the snap chat group chat and this email one? I added you on snap my username is @becca0802 and my email is beckpac@outlook.com
Hi there, can i please be added to the snap chat group chat and this email one? I added you on snap my username is @becca0802 and my email is beckpac@outlook.com
Hi guys, can I also be included? My email is khackwell@outlook.com
What’s ur Snapchat? There’s also a group chat!!
My Email is ChloeM1910@gmail.com