In Need of a T1D best friend :)

Hi, I’m Caitlin. I’m 19 years old, and I have been a T1D for 17 of those years. I have gone through many bouts of burn out, but not like recently. I’m a freshman in college majoring in nursing, and I also have a part time job at a restaurant. I spend many hours studying and working so many times my diabetes gets put on the back burner. Just yesterday I got out of the hospital because I was in DKA for the first time since I’ve been diagnosed. It was scary and I really don’t want it to happen again. Friends and family don’t really understand what having diabetes is like so talking to them doesn’t exactly help. I’m really looking for someone who can help me better myself, and vice versa.

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Hey there Caitlin. My name is Cat. I hear ya on friends and family not understanding. I really do. It absolutely stinks. I go through it everyday, with my roommates and my mother. Like this morning my mum bought me a doughnut!!! Absolutely the worse thing ever. I’ve been a t1d for about 21 years. I was also diagnosed 1 month before going off to college, which then made everything harder. I’ve also been in DKA. I agree it is some scary stuff!!!

Hi Caitlin,
I totally understand the struggle. I’m a full time college student who works also and it can be so hard to make diabetes a priority. Check out the College Diabetes Network’s website. They have awesome resources for college students with diabetes.
Here’s a link to their burnout page:
Aaaaand here’s another link to their campus chapters page:
They have chapters all over the U.S. at different colleges. These chapters provide a good way for college students with diabetes to get together and talk about what it’s like to have diabetes in college. I hope this helps!

Hi Caitlin. I would suggest going to the campus medical office and asking if there are resources/ support groups for other diabetics on campus or in the area. If you are willing to share your information with them, they could share it with other T1D students on campus who could connect with you. You may be surprised to find you’re not alone. Take care!

Hey @Caitlin17380 we currently have a Snapchat group chat for diabetics to talk. We’ve got 18 people in our group so far from all around the globe. If you wanna join just add me on snap @ jacobxrt

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Hi Jacob! That’s awesome! can anyone join? do you guys actually chat on snap?

Hi! I’m Gabi. I’m 21, a senior in college. It’s definitely challenging to manage while stupid busy in school and work. I get the multiple burnouts.

I was diagnosed at 2 and half! I’ve been in the hospital once for dka when I was like 12 or something. I’ve been in the hosp more often for seizure after a severe/fast low bg. Being unconscious during those were/are the scariest to me.

progress is the goal-there’s no perfection…

Gaby, yeah people actually talk on the snap group

Hi @Caitlin17380 I’m 20 a freshman in college as well I have a group and discord with almost 500 members and the majority of those people are diabetic a lot of are 16 - 25 a lot of different people but they are all wonderful if you want to join it’s called discord and the link is

Hello Caitlyn, I’m sorry to hear about the DKA. I’m a 21 year old female with T1D since I was 9 months old and I definitely know about putting diabetes on “the back burner”, especially in high school. As I’m writing this I’m actually in the hospital right now for DKA so your post caught my attention. If love to trade horror stories and share the knowledge of the struggle with you about the ups and downs of diabetes if you’re interested?