Looking for teen friends with T1D :)

Hey my name is Hadden and I’ve had T1D for about 5 years I recently just went through a pretty rough bout of DKA. I’m out of the hospital now but after this last bout it seems like it’s been harder and harder to take care of my self. I also battle with some depression and a pretty bad case of general anxiety disorder. I’m just looking for a friend to talk to and hopefully help me be positive so I can feel more myself again.

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Hi Hadden! I’m Abby; I’m 15 years old and I’ve had T1D since I was 7. I’d love to chat with you!
If you have Snapchat, I can add you to my T1D teens group chat (my username is bookwormnerd13). Otherwise, please feel free to email me at abigaelparrish13@gmail.com. I look forward to getting to know you!

Awh yay! My Snapchat is hadden_alexis if you wanna go ahead and add me :slight_smile: thanks so much!

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Hi Hadden and Abby! I’m Sabrina and I’ve had T1D for just under 2 years but this past winter I experienced really bad burnout which caused a lot of issues with depression and anxiety that I still struggle with on a daily basis. I’m the only T1D in my school and don’t really know any other teens with T1D. I go through so much frustration with my parents with T1D combined with school and I don’t really know anyone else who really understand how hard things can be with T1D sometimes. I would love to talk to you both!
My Snapchat is brina_0156 and my email is sporter.edu@gmail.com

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Hey, I’m Andrew I was diagnosed at 17 and am now 22. If any of y’all need help reach out I’m still working through the knowledge too so we might even be able to help each other. Snap is aambler17 and email is aambler16@yahoo.com

Hi Hadden! My name is Maddie and I’m 16 years old. I have been a diabetic for a little over 2 years now. When I got diagnosed, I was in a DKA coma in Tennessee on spring break. Coming home with new challenges and living a new life sucked. No one understood how I felt or what I was going through. I felt alone. A month ago, my doctors said I’m still grieving my ‘old life’. I get angry really easily, emotional, and just really frustrated. I hate that this happened to me and you as well. If you ever need to vent or just talk or need a friend, I’m always here! My snap: whetsell_19. Hope everything gets better soon! Much love!

I’m 15 and have had T1D since I was 11.
Feel free to email me on ChloeM1910@gmail.com :blush: