Anyone in Raleigh?

Hi, I’m a graduate student at NC State, I was diagnosed with T1 about 2 years ago during my undergrad at the University of Arizona (Tucson). Anyway, I don’t know anyone else with T1D, and I’d love to meet some of the community here in Raleigh.

hello @mlippy623 Matthew and welcome to Type One Nation. I hope you enjoy the forum. I have business in Raleigh and travel there often. The JDRF has a chapter in Raleigh you can find the link here and you might meet people at a walk or other fundraiser.

There are about 25,000 registered users here and I hope you can find someone here or IRL. Good luck at NC, If you are studying Tech/Eng. let me know! cheers.

Thanks for the reply, I am well aware of the JDRF and do stuff with them when I can. I am a PhD student co majoring in Physics and Nuclear Engineering, which has been great.

That’s really great. Good luck!