Hi all,
Are there any other adults in the low country/Coastal GA area? I don’t remember the last time I talked to some with T1D. Also, do any of you know of events/support networks in the area. It seems like every event where there may be others with T1D is always far away.
@hannahbecca hi! so I’m from 'joisey, and don’t know much about Georgia except Atlanta. There is a JDRF chapter in Atlanta… but is far from the coast.
I heard that if you don’t like the news - go out and make some - Have you considered maybe starting up your own JDRF fundraiser or Event? there is information here https://www2.jdrf.org/site/TR?fr_id=7595&pg=entry
With popular social media, you can start a local online group as well. I know there’s Facebook pages for my local town.
or you can hang out here - it’s maybe not the same as going out for coffee, but it’s more convenient than a 4-1/2 hour drive to Atlanta.
Welcome to Type One Nation and it’s nice to meet you.
Thanks for the response, Joe. I would be interested in getting something off the ground here. I’m afraid I’m not sure where to start with that. Do you know a contact person with the Georgia chapter? I need to try and visit the website sometime this month to figure out how that works.
@hannahbecca hi! Not directly no. The chapter information is here though:
And this was on the site as well:
Adults with T1D
Serving: All of Georgia
- JDRF Georgia Chapter
Hoping you get more local support as well
Good luck