Telling others about your diabetes

I'm curious as to how many of you talk openly about your diabetes with friends and just people in general.

i do when people ask about it. 

I'll tell if people ask.  I only really talk openly about it with close friends, and even then, I tend to keep more of it to myself...

My roommate and close friends ask me questions all the time. They always apologize but I tell them it's great if they ask questions and I would love to answer them.

the only other time I will mention something is if i'm eating with people and I have to give a shot. I usually warn them about it because I learned from my best friend that not everyone likes needles and/or blood... my friend fainted once... so I like to warn people. Most ask questions which I am okay with... one person was like "ohh can i watch!?" it was funny.

But overall I'm pretty open about it. Maybe this is because I was recently diagnosed? I'm not usually that open about other parts of my life...

I guess if I think it's necessary, I'll tell someone. I try to really minimize it, though. People often tend to worry or feel badly for you, but I'll like to assure whomever that I'm ok. With my close friends, we do talk about it. And it's important they know. I know they want to understand it, but I can't help but laugh, during a hypo, when they ask me if I need a shot! haha

[quote user="Joseph Salvatore"]

I know they want to understand it, but I can't help but laugh, during a hypo, when they ask me if I need a shot! haha


I get that a lot too... but when I just correct them, they apologize, I say it's okay, and then they understand. My close friends here at school know they can ask me anything at anytime and I will answer. Sometimes it's out of the blue and sometimes it's when I am doing something related to my diabetes.

[quote user="Joseph Salvatore"]

I guess if I think it's necessary, I'll tell someone. I try to really minimize it, though. People often tend to worry or feel badly for you, but I'll like to assure whomever that I'm ok. With my close friends, we do talk about it.


I like to be open about my diabetes only because I feel it allows it to not be such a mystery. So when I come across someone new, it's not like I say "Hi I'm Melissa and I'm diabetic," but if it comes up in conversation or if we are eating or something I'll tell them and allow them to ask any questions they wish. I like it that way... because it works for me.

in some of my classes the instructors have these get to know you days, so for one of mine i totally forgot about it and we were supposed to bring three things. i brought out my Ipod, my Meter, and a pencil. i said i brought my ipod because music is a huge part of my life. then i brought out my case for my meter and remote for my pump and said this is something that is an even bigger part of my life because i have type 1 diabetes and i just got on the pump i talked a little bit about that then moved onto the pencil saying i love to write. when i had my meter brought out this guy said that his wife was getting off the pump and i was like oh ok cool for her. haha i had no clue what to say to that.

[quote user="Melissa AKA Mel"]

in some of my classes the instructors have these get to know you days, so for one of mine i totally forgot about it and we were supposed to bring three things. i brought out my Ipod, my Meter, and a pencil. i said i brought my ipod because music is a huge part of my life. then i brought out my case for my meter and remote for my pump and said this is something that is an even bigger part of my life because i have type 1 diabetes and i just got on the pump i talked a little bit about that then moved onto the pencil saying i love to write. when i had my meter brought out this guy said that his wife was getting off the pump and i was like oh ok cool for her. haha i had no clue what to say to that.


well it's a good thing that we always have to carry at least two things with us then! lol

Hi everyone....I have always been a very private person about pretty much everything in my life. I was diagnosed with type one when I was 7 yars old...I was afraid of telling people I was a diabetic because at 7 years old I was afraid the kids would be afraid of me and think I was 'sick' or treat me differently. I carried the same sort of attitude with me into my early adulthood. I only tell one or two people that need to know like my supervisor or a professor incase 'something happens.' I know that a lot of people are a diabetic and it's not such a big deal to let people know but when most people find out your type one that tend to treat you slightly differently or look at everything that you eat and give you the impression like 'should you really be eating that?'  - Does anyone else sometimes get these feelings from people or comments from people when they know that you're a type one? Two of my close friends know, and they are more supportive and leave me alone about what I eat and do... they just joke about it if I'm in a cranky mood and ask what my sugar is - haha.


i must be one of the weird ones because i was never afraid of talking about my diabetes, but everything else i keep pretty private. 

Hi alll! I'm new to this, so bare with me..

My parents have always raised me to not care what other people think about you, so as soon as I meet someone new, telling them I have diabetes is top priority. I also think its not something that should be hidden. Its a part of who you are, so let it be known


I've been taught to be open about it, it's not something to be ashamed about.

I talk about it in some of my classes because I am a health science major and a lot of my classes talk about diabetes so I think it's a learning experience for everyone else to see someone their own age who has diabetes and they like to ask questions and stuff.