For me, when someone mentions 'friends/family' in the same sentence as 'diabetes' I automatically roll my eyes. Excluding my parents, there is hardly a single person in my life that knows anything about me and my disease. Based off what I've heard from a fair amount of Juvenators, our situations in this department are pretty similar.
But lately, I've been thinking more and more about the possibility of letting more people into the diabetic part of my life. Something about having a friend who knows basically what to do seems comforting, and appeals to me for whatever reason.
Like in gym class last week - during the mile run my blood sugar was 114, so I was packing around some Skittles in case of emergency. One of my running friends asked why I was taking it with me - I brushed it off as the usual 'Oh, just my blood sugar - in case it crashes while I'm running.' But there was something nice about having someone to ask, someone to care, and someone to look out for me while we ran.
I've considered teaching a close friend a little more about diabetes - a little more of what it is, or what it means. And let them know I'm comfortable with them asking questions and knowing as well. To be honest I doubt I'll act upon this - right now. But this leads me to a question I was interested in bringing up on Juvenation, to hear others' experiences with this.
Anyone have a close friend that just knows diabetes as if they had it themselves? If not, who do you think you'll end up or would like to ever share the disease with?
Personally, I imagine should I ever get married that's who I'll share it with. Or if I ever have a particularily close friend. But for now, I'm content winging it on my own :)