Ive been type 1 for 5 years now but havent done this before. I dont really know anyone with type 1 either, so would really appreciate some advice, Im struggling with how cold i am all the time, (especially my feet), due to the blood flow problems i have gained whilst being T1D. Just wondering if anyone has tips or tricks for this?
Hi @Daiz welcome to TypeOneNation. There are a bunch of us here so now you know a lot of people with type 1. I think keeping blood sugar in control and regular exercise does a good job with this. Cheers and good luck
I would also add that you want to make sure you get your thyroid levels checked. Its common for diabetics to also have thyroid issues, and that can present itself as being cold…
Thank you for the advice
Hi. I might have been told many years ago that I had mild diabetic neuropathy, but FWIW the “pin test” the doctor uses to check my feet is always good. My feet do tend to feel cold in relation to the rest of my body - last summer I had a space heater directed at them (very carefully). Someone saw and asked me if I was anemic, so that’s another possibility; as well as a thyroid disorder, which can be easily treated with medication.
I have not had to use the heater this summer, but I always wear socks around the house both to keep them warm and because I can’t stand for my bare feet to touch the floor. Silk or wool sick liners can help too.
Of course that just helps with the feet, and is treating the symptoms, not the issue, but maybe it will give you some relief for the time being.
Thankyou, Im still looking into why im freezing, but have never tried silk and wool sock liners, thanks for the tips!
Cold is my normal.
Shoes & socks are worn everywhere (except while bathing). My shoes are 100% comfortable and not especially attractive, no significant heels. Winter gets wool and legwarmers.
The best thing for my feet was about ten years of MANIPULATIONS, concentrating on my feet -sometimes including my entire leg, hip joint down. Most body workers have a grasp of foot massage. Seek someone who is versed in 5 or ten schools of training. My feet circulation therapy was up to three times a week to start. Once she got the gray/blue/purple/burgundy color out of my feet we went down to, every then, every other week (for years) before the therapist passed away.
Brief warm foot baths, near daily, involves self manipulation, then a touch of simple black cumin oil for moisturizing and cotton socks. If it feels good, do it. Pain is not necessary. Stroke the muscles gently as they lay, stretch, twist, rock… Our blood flow is restricted. With my 1969 diagnosis I have learned a handful of simple exercises. To lightly drag my fingers up my shins, daily for years, has helped with the varicose veins there.
Several years ago enough was saved to buy a long fur coat. It is worn while walking my dog multiple times a day in the winter. It is the only coat I have owned that is truly WARM. If too cold no simple exercise would be attained during the months of bitter weather. Again good shoes are a must. For me wool socks, often with a silk pair as liners, are a winter staple.
Even newly diagnosed T1D need to establish a foot care routine. It is easier to continue this into old age than it is to devise and start a good routine after your feet are already showing neuropathy symptoms.
Thank you for all the tips!