Swollen feet and Diabetic socks?

Hi everyone!

So I am recently diagnosed with Type 1, and have actually had a pretty strong control on my sugars so far (knock on wood). What's weird is that all day I have been experiencing swollen feet, with both feet - but not numb at all. I did some research and got a lot of terrifying neuropathy results and amputation stories, but I was wondering if there could be a different cause for swollen feet other than high sugars for an extended amount of time? Maybe too much sodium or a reaction to certain insulins?

Also, does anyone use diabetic socks or should I just stick to normal cotton.. or does it really matter? I heard the special socks help with circulation!

Thanks a million! :)



I HAS A SECRET FOR YOUZ!!!!!!! lol sorry i try to stay positive whenever discussing our serious issues. You are right about the sodium, when you exceed 2,250mg of sodium (95% DV), water will build up in your joints causing swelling and aching similar to arthritis. This excess water first accumulates in your knees and ankles on average (God was drunk while designing these joints) Ask your physician if he would recommend putting you on a diarrhetic of some sort to lessen the water build up. (That may be the problem but i can not tell you for sure) Neuropathy is not a serious concern if you are JUST diagnosed with T1, this will be a long term threat and is best avoided by good exercise regularly and avoiding alcohol completely. NOW FOR THE SOX! Socks are VERY important for a responsible type 1, amputation is a actual concern to keep on your agenda and anti-bucket list. ALWAYS WEAR SOCKS! You can wear normal cotton socks if you are in mild to warm temperature and be absolutely fine and responsible. HOWEVA! if you are talking 40 degrees or below, i would suggest getting skiing socks, they have the same design as most circulation improving socks but are designed to help circulation ALLL THE WAYYYY up to your knees and offer the best protection in cold or challenging conditions, they will run you about $20-25 a pair though so baby those babies for the sake of longevity.

Hope this helped!

-The German

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OK so my auto-correct made a horrible mishap when putting "diarrhetic" when i went to type "diuretic". Do not ask your doctor for a "diarrhetic" or he may look at you with some very very very confoosed faces lol

hahaha! Yeah I was wondering about that myself, diuretic sounds a lot less disgusting lol. Thanks for all the info! I'm glad to know I'm still in the safe zone, but I do think I will be picking up some snazzy pairs of socks very soon.

You're always in the safe zone Aerial, always. I am also 22 and am also a student and also know that the past couple months must have been absolute HELL as you began to slide into diabetic ketoacidosis (D.K.A.) before you got diagnosed. You have many challenges and road blocks ahead of you as you begin this new life and the one thing i will stress is that you must never face them alone. The good news? You are never alone, between this site and the loved ones around you, you will always have a safety net. Follow the rules diabetes handed you and never waiver or get lazy and you will more than likely out-live and be healthier than most of your peers to be honest lol. My cell phone # is 419-265-2399, i BEG you to contact me whenever you have any problems or when you feel alone or like no one around you quite gets what you are dealing with and how challenging it is in EVERY aspect of your life. If that makes you nervous, just text me and we don't even have to talk on the phone, ill just be your diabetic text message buddy :) I cannot stress enough how much i want you to contact me if you have ANY problems or concerns or just need someone to talk to who understands. No one held out a branch for me when i was diagnosed and it made my initial bout A LOT harder. Helping you down this challenging but amazing road would be the greatest honor i could ever get. You always have a resource, a friend and a brother in me because like the other members of this site, i know exactly how hard things will be for you and nothing would make us happier than to help you.

-Scott Kienzle

Also i now know why you are having your problems. If you are only 10 days after diagnoses you are going to experience extra swelling of your feet and ankles, i assume your vision has been EXTRA blurry since you got released from the ICU too huh? :) hehe this is because your body is getting used to being normal again. These are both very common symptoms that onset almost immediately after someone has been stabilized from D.K.A. and diagnosed T1. So don't worry guuuuurl its all normal and by the book, and remember, you have my number and there for, are never alone! :)

Well you are wonderful, and I promise I will definitely stay in touch. I reaaaally appreciate the help! Just beware because I am constantly full of questions! I don't know any other T1's, so it's beyond awesome of you to offer to assist me with all of my newbie doubts and curiosities. Thanks a million + 1.

And yes, the last few months were horrid. I had no idea why I felt so terrible, but at least that mystery is solved lol. My vision has either been near-blind or almost perfect, it can't make up its mind. And my feet are all better! I definitely don't ever ever ever want to end up in the hospital again, so I will be staying on top of myself like white on rice! DKA-free since, well, last week haha.

Thanks again for being awesome!

There's no need for diabetic socks or shoes unless you're having some sort of foot problem.  

My guess is that it's not neuropathy, but speak with your doctor about it.  At your next appointment ask him/her to check the pulse in your feet.  It' will quickly determine if you're having circulation problems or if the swelling is caused by something else.  Also ask if you should have your feet checked by a podiatrist.

Be kind to your kidneys, which means eating less salt and drinking lots of water if your blood sugar is high.  Your kidneys filter the blood, so if you have high levels of salt or glucose it can overwhelm the kidneys.  

You may ask your doctor about taking an ACE inhibitor too.  They are blood pressue medicine that have been shown to improve kidney function in people with diabetes.  If you take an ACE inhibitor but have low/normal blood pressure make sure to take it before you go to bed... otherwise it can make you light headed.  

Have you been referred to an endocrinologist for your main diabetes doctor?  Because they deal with more patients with diabetes they usually are more cutting edge on treatment and will help you find what works for you to manage your diabetes.  

A couple books that are great resources:

Riva Greenberg's "50 Diabetes Myths That Can Ruin Your Life; And the 50 Diabetes Truths That Can Save It"

Gary Scheiner's "Think Like a Pancreas"

John Walsh's "Using Insulin"

Take care and know you are going to be okay.  I was diagnosed as a kid but have had a fairly normal life.  Went to college, worked different jobs, married a great guy, and have a healthy son.  Diabetes isn't going to ruin your life, it's just going to be a little different.


I had two endos when I was in ICU and loved one of them, so I've been talking with him about everything. I haven't had a follow-up visit yet but I am definitely preparing myself for it! I've been trying to write down all my questions and ideas, a lot from you guys haha. I will absolutely bring up the ACE thing and the podiatrist.

Thanks so much for the book suggestions! I'm a book worm and now a health nut, or just the most curious diabetic ever, so this is perfect!

and Jenna I appreciate hearing that, AND more than anything I'm really happy to hear things turned out good for you! Normalcy is overrated anyways right?

- Aerial :)

I'm not sure it's a good idea to put your phone number up where anyone can see it. You should do that in a private message.