Need someone to talk to

Hi, my name’s Haley I am 13 and have only been diagnosed for 2 years with T1D. I am struggling with accepting my diabetes and I am looking for someone to talk to about experiences and just someone to vent to. Some info about me is that i play soccer and do cheer. I am also about to do kickboxing. I love to hunt and I am willing to talk and listen to anyone who wants to talk with me about this issue. Just email me @

Hi Haley,
I have a son who is 14, he was diagnosed at the age of 3. It has been extremely difficult for him and especially now more then ever. But we both just come to the realization that he knows no one with T1D, I really hope he signs up on this site and gets a chance to meet and talk with kids his age that maybe can help him feel better just knowing he isn’t alone. But I just wanted to say to you, stay strong and keep open communication with your family. in my experience with my son, he feels like if he just ignores the problem it will go away… trust me it never does and just gets worse. I think its great how active you stay so keep that up. it gives you something to look forward.

if there is any questions you think I maybe able to help with please feel free to reach out to me. :slight_smile:
take care… just know you are strong and will get through this even when you feel you cant.


Hi Haley. I am 14 and have been diagnosed for about a month now. I totally understand being frustrated, and I am too. I feel like its harder to vent to people that don’t have diabetes because they don’t really understand. They try to relate (and are often mixing up type 1 with type 2) and even though they may mean well, it is just different. If you want to talk, you can email me at You sound like an awesome person. I love soccer too. I haven’t played in a long time, but I love the sport.

Hi! I’m 14, have been diabetic for almost ten years, wanting a diabetic friend as well. Please feel free to respond with questions or if you just want to talk?!