I need a buddy to talk to feel alone

hi I am ashley wade, I had diabetes since I was 9 years old and I am 14 right know, I need somome who will understand me and maybe go through things I go through and hopefully we can help each other out.

Hi Ashley,

I am 48 years old and was diagnosed at the age of 7. I will listen to you and if you would like, respond back.

Having a chronic illness and growing through your teenage years is not always easy and different from what our friends are experiencing. One bit of advice I would like to offer is share the truth with friends about being a T1D and educate them as well. I have a friend high school who thanked me for sharing that information about myself because it helped her to recognize the signs of hypoglycemia when her brother-in-law was diagnosed with T1D. We never know when something we shared with family/friends will help someone else they know.

I hope this encourages you in some way and helps you at sometime.:slightly_smiling_face:

Hi! Im Georgia and i’m 18 years old and I’ve had diabetes since I was 2! I’m here for you if you have questions or want to vent to me!

hi i’m kalei and i’m 14 i would love to talk i’ve been t1d for 8 yrs

Hello I’m lili and im also 14 so I feel like we could understand each other let me know if you like want to talk or smth!!

Hi Ashley!

I am also looking for a buddy to grow closer too and somebody that understands what living the life of a T1D and the difficulties and hardships about it! My name is Cassidy and I am 13 years old I got diabetes when I was 6 years old so I don’t remember much life without it I would love to hear from you sometime soon feel free to message me anytime!

Thanks Ashley!