Need a buddy?

If anyone needs someone to talk to about T1 problems, either newly diagnosed or not

Or message me on here. Either one is fine. :slight_smile:

@AAT1D hi Amanda, your profile says you are young. Please check with your parents or guardians before you post personal information, like an email, here, this site is not restricted and so literally anyone can get this information.

I think it’s great you want to help people! thanks!

I am looking for a diabuddy! I would love to have one that lives near me, but having anyone at this point would be great! I am a 36 year old female, from Lancaster PA. Hospitalized with DKA on 7/31/18. Didn’t know I was diabetic. Spent 2 days in ICU and a total of 5 days in the hospital. It wasn’t until my 1st endocrinologist appointment that I was told I am a T1D. They needed further testing. Was on pens for a little. But that same day my doc put in an order for a 670g pump. It was approved on 8/22/18. And got it the following Monday. Been on the pump for 5 weeks tomorrow. 3 weeks with CGM and today is 3 days in Auto Mode. Just need someone who knows how I am feeling and totally understands me. My family are very supportive. But they just don’t get it. Thanks!!

Hi Helen :slight_smile: Although I’m not close to you, I too am looking for a diabuddy. Would you like to exchange contact information?

Amy in Las Vegas

maybe instead of emailing me, message me. :slight_smile:

thx for the replies though.

Sure that would be great! Thanks!

Hi there! I tried to send you a personal message, but it says I wasn’t allowed to. I wanted to exchange info. Maybe try sending me a message. Thanks!

Hi Helen,

I’m not sure you’re trying to connect with me. If you are, this email address is good. I have nothing else.
