Looking for t1D friends

I was just recently diagnosed with t1D in October 10, 2017 and I’m honestly just looking for other diabetics around my age that I can talk to that can relate to me and can give me more information about all of this. I’m 18 years old and I live in Florida.

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Hi Nicole,
I have been a diabetic for about 8 and a half years and I am 19 years old from Kentucky! I just got on this site yesterday in search for a little bit of community! I would love to be able to answer any questions you have, as well as just be relatable.

Hi Nicole @nicoleg1,

Correct, I’m not your age - but I was 60 years ago and I was officially diagnosed with diabetes on my 16th birthday and I been through it all. Oh, I live in Florida too.

You didn’t say where in Florida, but if you are near Tampa Bay there is a large JDRF chapter there and I’ve met many teens at their Summits; there are also several teens with T1D affiliated with the monthly meetings we have in Sarasota. Lat me know if you want the Chapter contact info. Also, you can enter your zip code in the “Events” tab at the top of this page. Feel free to ask any questions on this forum - I read all entries on this page [as do others] and respond whenever I feel that I have some “words of experience” to offer.

Do you know if they have a chapter in Miami? I forgot to write where in Florida I live sorry! I have yet to meet anyone here with t1d. Thank you so much for the reply it was very helpful and I’ll be sure to contact you if I ever have any questions.

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South Florida Chapter is near Fort Lauderdale. here’s the link South Florida

Hey Nicole!! I’m Abby; I’m 15 and I’ve had T1 since I was 7. I’d love to talk if you have questions! I’m also in a Snapchat group chat with some other T1D teens, so if you (or @littlesunflower1) have Snapchat, we’d love to have you join! :smile:

Hi Nicole! I’m Kayla and I live in Florida as well. I’m 21 currently and I was diagnosed a little over 5 and a half years ago. I’m in the Tampa Bay Area. I’ve never actually seen much about the Tampa Bay chapter @Dennis so thank you for sharing that information! If you’d like to chat, Nicole, then I’d love to get in touch! I don’t know anyone in my area with T1, besides my older brother. So, hopefully we can both meet some cool people on here to connect with!

You can also find support groups online = As a parent Facebook groups have been very helpful. Also usually a pump or Dex
com device will have a user group on Facebook, very helpful getting use tips nutrition info etc.

Hi there, I maybe a little bit older (23), but I have experience with my diabetes for 14 years. I’m always here to talk and relate to what you are going through. I can answer questions to the best of my abilities.

Hey Nicole! I just joined this site like a few hours ago and I was diagnosed in October 2017 as well. I’m 17 and live in Delaware. I’d love to talk!

Hi nicole! I’m rachel and i’m 17! I was just diagnosed 3 months ago and would love to talk to people about this.

Hey I’m Becca have had diabetes for 11 years now, sorry I just joined this today so I’m late with the reply! But I’m 19

I’m Sara I am 15 and I have been diagnosed for 6 months. I would love to make some new friends my email is kerkemeyersara@gmail.com