Looking for support network!

My name is Jessica and I was diagnosed ~14 years ago with type 1, and am now 22. Up until this point, my life has been a complete rollar coaster when it comes to controlling and managing my diabetes. I’ve had periods of great control and other times when I just let it completely go. I graduated from college earlier in the year, and am really trying to get my life together as best as I can and I now this is a huge part of that. I’ve never had people to connect with that are going through similar things and I think having people in my life who are going through the same thing would be extremely beneficial. I would love to connect with people, on here, through facebook, over the phone, in person (I live near Richmond, VA), whatever way. The few posts I have read on here have been really inspiring and it gives me so much hope already knowing that I am not the only one going though this.

Girl, Im totally with you. I’ve been diabetic 10yrs not and have had great control and then other times when I was in complete denial and thought that if I just ignored it, it would go away. I’m in my second year of college and its been a major adjustment for me. I found the best way for me to cope with this whole thing is to meet other people who understand and go through it as well. Because venting to my family just wasn’t working and made me even more frustrated because they dont understand. I know they try to, but I dont think anyone can fully understand unless they’re in our shoes and live it day in and day out! Feel free to message me! (:

I would also love to connect with both of you! I’ve only had T1D for a little over three years but I am also a sophomore in college and have already gone through some big burnouts lately. I don’t have anyone close to me with T1D and would just love to connect with others like me. I go to DePauw University so I’m near the Indianapolis area. I would love to connect via facebook or phone or on typeonenation as well! Hope to hear from you soon!

I would love to connect :slight_smile: I’ve had T1 for 7 years, currently in my second year of post-secondary, and starting to struggle with handling it all. I had a lot of supportive people around me, both with T1 and without, but leaving high school unfortunately changed that a little bit. Not that my friends aren’t supportive, they just haven’t been there since the beginning so it’s a lot different now. I’m up in Canada but still available! Even just a small group to share frustrations and get insight would be fantastic!

I have been looking for a local support group for 13 years. Still looking.

I’ve decided that what I need is exactly what you all are looking for. I need someone to talk to who understands what I’m going through. I am the only person in my family with T1D and I do not know anyone else around with it, either! How do we go about starting this???

I definitely agree. My name is Kendra and I have had diabetes for 16 years. I’m 26 now and feel like most days I live in the Alice in Wonderland movie LOL. Today I had a bad day my blood sugars are in the 200s than they were in the 100th and now I’m back in the 200s. I feel like I struggle more than I succeed but mainly because I’m so stressed out that I don’t have too many people to talk to about it. Of course I work in healthcare so I know the do’s and don’ts but it’s hard during everyday life when you’re on the go and you just want to snack. I also have two children and surprisingly my pregnancies were perfect my A1C was great and everything. I would love to connect anytime by message or by phone it’s extremely important that we stick together because together we’re strong.

We could exchange numbers or even Facebook names. I have a type 1 diabetes Facebook page if anyone wants to join.

Kendra Taylor T1D (facebook page)

I have a facebook page for diabetics. Kendra Taylor T1D of anyone wants to join and start the convo :blush::blush:

Hello everyone,

My name is Arnold, and I too am interested in participating in the support group. I think this is a very good idea, and is something that every one of us can benefit from, if we are all committed to this thing.

I realize that every T1D, has problems managing some aspect of their live and how it is affected by and affects their living with Diabetes.
I think that Ms. Kendra’s offer for using her Facebook page as a starting place is cool, and hope everyone that sees my (or the earlier posts) in this thread, and is either interested or curious, needs to do this.

Again, it is Kendra Taylor T1D on Facebook. If it looks like it will get rally large, we could start a separate page for just this, but, I imagine this will be in the future.


Thank you all for the replies! Simply knowing that there are other people out there experiencing what I go through on a daily basis is so comforting. I love the idea of talking/discussing/venting over Kendra’s facebook page.

So you guys all inspired me to start a Facebook Group! It’s called My Type 1 Life… Search for it and join! I’m really looking forward to making some connections with real people facing the same issues I face daily!

Thanks guys for the support. See you on fb. :smile::smile:I hope you’re all having a great day. I’m struggling a little today and Idk why but I’m sure I’ll get it together lol.

Online forums like this are great. If you are looking for variations there is a Wednesday night twitter chat (9:00 pm eastern) under #DSMA, well worth a look. There are face to face events and if you don’t have a local group have a look at http://diabetesunconference.com/

@ktaylort1d Ill join! I think the Facebook support groups are the best. I actually thought about starting my own. Its so easy to use and I love the set up!