I'm NEW!

Hello All~

My name is Marisa, I'm a single mother to my daughter Jaden who was just diagnosed w T1D in August 2010.  It's all so new and overwhelming at times.  I'm happy to say that I "found" people who can help US and relate to.


Hi Marisa, welcome! I am sure you are here to learn more about Jaden's diabetes and to get advice. I remember my mother's panic when I was diagnosed back in 1945, when I was 6. Not much was known about diabetes then. Today so much information is available, there are meters for testing blood sugar, doctors that are diabetes specialists, insulin pumps, and much more. With your love and support, Jaden should have the control that will enable her to have a long, healthy life. She will probably be a healthy old geezer like me someday. Lol!

Good luck to both of you!


Hey Marisa,

You are about to be flooded with a pile of posts that will be somewhere along the lines of this one. I am so glad that you found us. As a person with diabetes who recently found this site, I can't tell you how helpful this community has been. For me, it has become a place to get answers as well as vent. As a result my blood sugars as well as my psyche have begun to stabilize. If you need anything at all, please feel free to ask. 


Hello. I hope you find all the support and friendship you are looking for. This is a wonderful and helpful group of people.

My mom was a single mother when I was diagnosed back in 1977.  I've always admired her for being such a strong, positive role model.  Now that I'm a parent myself I better understand how difficult it must  have been.

I'm sure you'll do a great job too.  Just let us know what questions you have.  Take care. 



Welcome to Juvenation! We're very glad to have you here :D

Welcome Marissa!! 

We are all glad to see you here, and look forward to becoming a part of your D-family.

So glad you found Juvenation!  I have gained so much support and knowledge here.  I hope you find it as helpful as I do.  There are years of experience with T1D here so it's a great place to ask questions.

Hello and Welcome Marisa!! Glad to see you have found us.  Juvenation has really helped me to feel like I am not the only one fighting this battle, the help, support and advice has changed my outlook on Diabetes. 

Welcome !!

Welcome Marisa, I am sure this site will help you it has for me.