I have no one to talk to

I was just diagnosed in January of this year, a few months after my 16th birthday. I don’t really know anyone else who has T1D, so it’s really hard to deal with some stuff.
I try talking to my family but they don’t really understand.

hey my names justin and ive been diabetic since was 4 im now 19 first year in college and have yet to meet a type 1 diabetic. You can message me if you want someone to talk to. :slight_smile:

Hey! My name’a Grace! I’m 15 and was diagnosed when I was 10. I don’t have a lot of diabetic friends either so I understand how it feels like there’s no one to talk to! Message me if you want to talk!

Hi my name is Kaitlin and I’ve had diabetes for about 15 years. I love talking to other diabetics. Just like everyone else, message me if you want to talk:)

Hi I’m Tienna,
I’m thirteen years old and have had diabetes for about a year and a half. I know what your going through, but I’m glad for this website. If you need someone to talk to, I’m always here :slight_smile:

Hey guys!
I’m Raegan and I’m nineteen. I’m a junior in college TRYING to get a degree in business administration. I’ve been diabetic since I was eleven, so about eight years approximately. I’ve met many other T1Ds because I was a congressional advocate for JDRF in 2008, but unfortunately I didn’t make very good connections. So, I’d love to talk to any of you about your experiences and feelings. :slight_smile: So, message me, talk to me about T1D or about how cool a double rainbow is. I don’t care.

my name is ashlie and i am thirteen. i got diagnosed about 2 weeks ago and if you want to talk message me.