Whenever I come in with high blood sugars, especially a couple times in a row, I get upset. I feel that it's my fault or my body's and I hate my body for it. I know it's not really anyone's fault but it makes me upset because I just want to be normal and I feel that because I've had it for 5 years I should be doing better. Any suggestions on how to deal with my frustrations over highs?
regardless of how perfect we try to control our BGs, highs and lows will happen. even non-diabetics will occasionally have an out of range number. it's hard not to feel frustrated when our numbers aren't where we want them to be. i had a terrible d-weekend because i was away from home and outside my normal schedule. i whined and complained about it, then got back on track. the next blood test is always another opportunity to work towards a better number. one "bad" day out of all your diabetes days, isn't going to make much difference in the long run. if you know you are doing your best to control your numbers, that's what's really important. numbers we don't like happen and there isn't much we do about them other than flip them the bird, then move on with our day. every day you make it through is one more day you've conquered diabetes :o)
Try to look back and see what might have happened to cause your high......the best thing to do is go out and get some exercise. Exercise helps you and your body to feel good.....I know you probably feel like laying down in complete and total darkness and just go to sleep...but motivate yourself to get out and get active! Keep track of your highs so that you can go back and maybe you may need some adjustments! Don't give up! I feel your frustration!
Oh, Meg. Don't beat yourself up! Some of us are past the two decade mark, and don't have things figured out either. :) Seeing out of range numbers is very frustrating for me, as well. (If you look on the "What was your last blood sugar" thread from earlier today, you'll see that I apparently turn into the Incredible Hulk when I hit 200.) And, right now, I'm 45. Every day is a challenge - some more so than others - and you just have to come out swinging.
C makes a good point - one bad D day isn't going to do you much harm in the long run. Take that number as an opportunity to learn something. Think back to what may have caused it - food, overtreating a low, stress, etc. - and just try again next time. That's really all we can do. Try. And try again! Eventually, with enough attention to patterns, you can eliminate some of these. It takes work, but I know you can do it. The fact that seeing those numbers bothers you enough to ask for feedback tells me that you're motivated to do something about it.
Even though I have some things figured out, I still get the occasional "What the..." high. It just seems to come with the territory. BUT, there are many times that I come out okay - and I have to focus on what I'm doing well, so that I don't think so much about my mistakes.
If all else fails, go for a walk if you can. Exercise can do amazing things to your stress level. :)
Good luck!
You can, and should, keep trying for perfection. But no T1 ever achieves perfection. You just have to learn to accept that every day is going to be different, and do the best you can. Sure, highs are frustrating, but they are going to happen, even if you're trying your best to prevent them. One thing you may not realize is that with your five years of knowledge about treating T1, you have no way of knowing how many highs you have successfully prevented, because you didn't go high.
Thanks so much everyone!! I appreciate the support and the advice.