Glucloses Tablets.?

Does anyone get sick an i mean really sick after they eat gluclose tablets.?
Everytime im low i jus pop one in trying to get them up faster and i always puke and feel like crap wehn i eat them..

idk what to do anymore. .

Juice, soda, milk, non-chocolate-candy.... Those will all do the same as glucose tabs.

okay thanks c.

i just puke all the time after gluclose tabs.

And if you like chocolate, Tootsie Rolls work because they have no fat.  

sometimes the puking is from being low.  your body makes it's own kind of glucagon when you are very low and you;ll puke from that every time.  glucose is just simple sugar.... never made me sick really but I guess everybody is different.. . ..... .  just a thought

eating 15 skittles is supposed to be just as good as gluco-tabs just make sure not to over treat with juice and everything else, or try the new glucose drinks/shots they come in little bottles like five hour energy shots and they work really fast

okay.. thanks guys..

the drink(shots) from walgreens taste really good, are only 15 carbs, and raise ur blood sugar fast! i was feeling low the other day, and nothing would work. till i drank the shot! good luck!(:

Thanks guys.. I really hate when my mother flips out on em cause i wont eat o'ne.

My Doctor suggested having one air head! they're easy to keep on hand and last pretty long!

Try to drink either orange soda or coke soda or grape juice or orange juice since they

work very quickly to spike up your blood sugar than glucose tablets..

Personally, I HATE GLUCOSE TABLETS!!! No one wants to eat a hard block of pure SUGAR! haha, try to do half a cup of regular pop, or I have found skittles really work!! Poor girl, thats brutal i know the feeling though, you never feel good after eating them and i am not sure what kind you have but the ones i eat, i have to eat FOUR of them, NASTY! haha

In the olden days of diabetes, COKE SYRUP was the prefered treatment. Glucose Tabs are kind of yucky. I carry them in my car, just in case. Anyone else remember COKE SYRUP?

I use glucose gummies, they're like little gumdrop shaped things but they're made by a T1D, here near St. Louis, MO. They taste like orange candy and are much better than tablets.  Here's a link to his contact info: