Flourecent lights

Ok.. this is a strange one.. but... have you ever noticed how flourecent lights affect your blood sugar?  I can eat a meal... go shopping... and under certain lights, my blood sugar drops, almost guaranteed.  I know I didn't take too much insulin, or anything like that... its just something weird that I have noticed.  Anybody??...lol

i've never noticed that. if i go shopping my BS will drop for sure cause of all the walking i do, btu idk id lights mess with my BS's.

Probably just coinciental that mine drops in that particular lighting... Crazy....oh well.. no big deal...

I have noticed that too. Especially for me a black light will make mine drop. I don't know why. I think that people think I'm crazy but it's true my sugar does drop when I'm exposed to certain types of light. lol.

Can I buy one of these lights for my house?? Next time I'm 200, I'll also work on my tan. (:

You want to buy a black light?? You can replace regular bulbs with black light bulbs.

[quote user="Suzanne"]

Ok.. this is a strange one.. but... have you ever noticed how flourecent lights affect your blood sugar?  I can eat a meal... go shopping... and under certain lights, my blood sugar drops, almost guaranteed.  I know I didn't take too much insulin, or anything like that... its just something weird that I have noticed.  Anybody??...lol


Florescent lighting bothers my eyes and makes me irritable, so this could cause my sugar to rise.
Okay go ahead and call me a whack here but...do you think it could be that you feel  calm under this lighting?