Type 1 Diabetes and Insomnia

I believe I read somewhere about a connection between Type 1 diabetes and chronic insomnia.  The study concluded that many Type 1 diabetics have trouble falling or staying asleep, and consequently find themselves going online to some crazy website community into the wee hours of the morning.  Does anyone have any personal experience with this problem?

Nope. Not a bit.

I read about this exact same thing somewhere I can't remember where.

Actually I was just joking, but I googled "diabetes" and "Insomnia" together and
got a lot of hits.  Things like:

"Sleep disturbances are common among individuals with diabetes. When compared with nondiabetics, patients with diabetes report higher rates of insomnia, excessive daytime sleepiness, etc...."

Umn... that's not funny.

Haha so Gina is just whack :D

But, Paul, we all know I don't go on web site communities. Ever. Especially in "wee" hours of the morning. No, it's not 1 am... you must be confused.


I know you were kidding! I was humoring you LOL

Sigh. Am I the only one that took this seriously?!

Well I think the communities should close down for normal maintenance each night or maybe Gina can ban time zones for certain hours so they can get a decent amount of sleep... Maybe starting with those on the Pacific Coast.

In all truthfulness I do have bouts of insomnia but I place the blame on caffeine and such. However, I wonder if there is a correlation between either lows or highs and not wanting to sleep. I mean all joking aside look at the message from Alyssa a few weeks back about the sugar that just did not want to go to the number it should be at. She was an "insomniac" for a few hours trying to control it. I think it might be the same with high's where we want the numbers to be where they should before sleep. So it might not be real insomnia it still could be something.

That's not a bad thought, Brian. I am always able to lay there awake if I'm waiting for my blood sugar to come up, for example. Another time I lay there, my blood sugar had been fine before bed, decided I felt low and after 1/2 hour of trying to sleep was still wide awake.  But then again, lows always give me strange amounts of energy :)

[quote user="Paul Glantzman"]

Actually I was just joking, but I googled "diabetes" and "Insomnia" together and
got a lot of hits.  Things like:

"Sleep disturbances are common among individuals with diabetes. When compared with nondiabetics, patients with diabetes report higher rates of insomnia, excessive daytime sleepiness, etc...."

Umn... that's not funny.


that's totally me. i RARELY sleep through the night without waking up at least 3 or 4 or 5 times(usually i stay awake for 30mins-1hour) in the last...god I must've been 14 when I finally told my mom. Even if I'm exhausted it can take up to an hour of laying in bed or on the couch for me to fall asleep. i am a nightowl to begin with, so I don't get sleepy for bed until midnight, and even then i'll fall asleep around 1am, wake up at 330, 500, 530 and 630 then get up at 730(if i wake up again and can get outta bed) or at 8 to get up for work. doesn't matter what my levels are, i maybe get one or two nights a week where i sleep through the night without waking up at least once...unless im drunk then i'm sleeping through the night fine.

When my sugars are truly all screwy that is when the insomnia truly happens, but again it is not a daily or weekly occurence. Once in a blue moon i get like that and again it seems to be when my sugar is off.

i have ton's of trouble sleeping during the night, i get up atleast three times a night! ha, no clue why, sometimes i check my sugars &there's absolutely nothing wrong with them, so who knows lmao!

I have a TON of trouble sleeping, especially when I'm either high or low. I will stay awake until they're normal. I will also wake up if my blood is low. EVERY time. I have never slept through a low. I just can't.

But then again, I've always had trouble sleeping. There is almost never a night when I get to sleep before midnight. And I never stay asleep.

I never get the prescribed 8 hours of sleep, although it is debatable if that is optimal. I either sleep for 4 hours or 14. For whatever reason, I either can't or don't want to sleep, or I can't get enough...I can never find a consistent happy medium.

I sure don't have any trouble going to sleep, sleeping or waking up during the night!  I need 8 hours of sleep at the very least...I'm much better if I can get 9 hours instead but with an 8 year old and a 3 year old, my days of 9-10-12 hours of sleep are over!  ha ha!

My husband and I are paying $800 (!!!!) tomorrow to a sleep consultant to try to get our 14 month old to sleep through the night (or even for more than a couple hours at a time). Hopefully, my "insomnia" will improve soon. lol.

Seriously though, I always feel tired during the day no matter how much sleep I get. I've always blamed the D, but who knows. Does anyone else have this problem along w/ their insomnia?

depending on the day, i can be pretty sleepy. right now i want to fall asleep on teh couch for a nap cuz its raining out. it's worse when it's raining, cuz i sleep the best when it rains(so winter months are the best for my sleeping) but even the other day when it was 30+ outside and sunny i needed a nap.


i usually have a cup of tea in the morning to help and if its really bad a cup in the afternoon.


i remember for a few months there, when i first moved into my new place we'd have friends over after teh bar til 6am and i'd get to bed at 630am after locking up and finally being sleepy..and wake ujp at 830am and not be able to sleep again til the afternoon when i would catch a 30min nap..did that every friday and saturday night for about..three or four months.

I'm always tired but then I can never sleep :D

But Paul, I think you might be right. Whenever I can't sleep, i come on here. dang Juvenation has to be so fun :D


"...and consequently find themselves going online to some crazy website community into the wee hours of the morning.  Does anyone have any personal experience with this problem?"

lol! XD

haha. nope, i never do that. *smiles innocently* okay, i do.

i have trouble falling asleep at night mostly, and theres the occasion where i wake up and cant fall back asleep for another hour or two.

Okay, it isn't Insomnia and it isn't caused by diabetes, but Narcolepsy is linked to a similar immune response as diabetes.


As for insomnia, stress probably has a lot to do with it. Most people I know never sleep 8 hours a night and a lot of people just don't sleep.