Would you please share your daily finger and foot care advice? I typically use whatever lotion is on sale when I remember to apply it, would anyone recommend some good lotion brands for diabetic fingers and feet? I have seen diabetiderm or similar lotions at the pharmacy, would anyone recommend these or are there others that are better?
The best care for feet would be to just always have them covered, even just with socks. I try to keep socks on bedside table which i take off before bed and they are right there to put on in the morning ( i can't stand to sleep in socks but i also really hate having cold feet). I keep lotion or even vasaline next to my bed that i use on the bottom and top of my feet before putting on socks but never between the toes. I have never had an issue with my hands, in fact they always seem to be very warm.
As a girl I have lotion laying around everywhere, from the fancy ones to the regular CVS brands. For regular lotion care I have found Dove and St. Ives works really well.
i'm more of an advocate for controlling your numbers as opposed to following a daily foot/hand care regimen. i use lotions on occasion, but don't usually like the feel of them. i strongly believe if your numbers are under control, your feet and hands will be healthy. slow healing wounds are typically due to prolonged high blood sugars. if you feel confident about your numbers, don't worry too much about lotions and such, unless you have neuropathy, then foot and hand care are more important because you have less sensation.
I agree with C about keeping tight control. In terms of finger care, are you talking about neuropathy or the damage caused by thousands of finger pricks? I have practically no feeling left in the tips of my fingers from checking so much, and my hands and feet are always freezing. I have never worried about that before...
I agree that tight control is best, but to answer your question, I am a huge fan of gold bond ultimate lotion. It's very thick and moisturizes extremely well. I've tried dozens of lotions, even prescription ones, and truly believe it's the best!
[quote user="Katie"]
I agree with C about keeping tight control. In terms of finger care, are you talking about neuropathy or the damage caused by thousands of finger pricks? I have practically no feeling left in the tips of my fingers from checking so much, and my hands and feet are always freezing. I have never worried about that before...
[/quote]My feet, especially, are always cold, but it doesn't bother me and I don't really worry about it. I exercise regularly, so I know my circulation is good, and it really only bothers my husband if I try to play footsie. HA!
Thanks for the reply. I have been in good control, I was worried more about healing the damage caused by more than 25 years of fingersticks. I have found that Aquaphor (from Eucerin) seems to work the best.
Thanks to all for the replies and ideas! I have had diabetes for over 25 years and have been in relatively good control which required a lot of fingersticks. I appreciate the advice and suggestions. As I recently posted, I have found that Aquaphor (from Eucerin) works the best for me.