Endos in Raleigh, NC

There is a good chance that our family may be moving to the Raleigh Area in May. I am looking for the best team of endocrinologists. When we were first dx, we traveled to Duke University - but soon found a good group where we are currently. She has been with this team for almost 7 years, has a good relationship with them and feels comfortable talking to her doctor about diabetes stuff as well as just being a teen!

Any suggestions of good endos is greatly appreciated!

Welcome to Raleigh! It’s a great place to live. My daughter is a teen, only diagnosed 10 months ago but we are very happy with our doctor’s office
and all the help they have given us in getting through these first difficult months. His name is Dr. Bill Lagarde and he is with Wake Med Physicans Children’s Diabetes and Endocrinology. But I should tell you also that if you want to go back to Duke, they share office space with Wake Med right across the street from the hospital.