
Hey, my name is Tasha and I have been diabetic for seven years. As the years go by I can't help but say that we are different from everyone else, even though doctors tell us not to think that way. Life has never been the same for me since I was diagnosed. I haven't been able to go out and not worry what I was eating or how much excercise I was doing. Every second of my life I worry about if I am doing anything right. Most people only have to worry about the simple things in life and they still complain. I have seen people living with diseases not complain a day in their life. Life would just be soo much easier if they found a cure for diabetes. Things would be soo much simplier and I could live my life the way it is suppose to be lived.

i kno wat u mean.... everyone says that its goin to be ok and that ill be goin bak 2 my old life soon enough. well the truth is im never going back to my old life...

What you say is true, Becka; your daily routine and your concerns and priorities are different, and you won't go back to your old life until there is a cure. At least, though, things do just get more routine the longer you do them. I am the mother of a T1 diabetic girl, and I have watched her at school and at other activites over the past 3 years since her diagnosis. The good thing is, you ARE like others in that you have abilities and dreams and things you want to do in your life, and you can go for them. You have a condition that is manageable -  this is huge. Even since the shock of her diagnosis, I am so grateful that my daughter does not have cancer or a degenerative disease that would rob her of her whole life. Don't get me wrong - diabetes sucks - big time.  I hate it and I hate that my daughter has it. But in the meantime, day-to-day, it has not stopped her from doing a single thing she wants to do.

The latin quote below is one of my favourites. Your life is precious... don't waste a single day that you don't have to. Whatever turns your crank, go for it. Sieze the day!

I agree with that all they tell you to do is act like your normal. But the truth is you cant act normal because you always have to watch what you eat and count the carbs and stuff like that. I have had diabetes for 13 years now and I know how it feels to be this way.

I know the feeling. I was diagnosed on July 3, 1997. So i guess it has been close to 12 years. It wasn't until about high school for the "different" feeling to kick in. This was when I met new people and had to explain, the kids from my grade school never really knew me without it. It was hard and still is. I get questions all the time when my pump cord comes out. It happened yesterday. I now am in college and it has been even harder then I thought. I am getting used to a whole new life like everyone else with added pressures. The only helpful/hopeful thing I can say is that I am learning to accept the idea that yes it would be simpler if I didn't have it and yes I would do anything in the world for that to be true but, there are a lot of people out there with it. You are different, but you shouldn't feel alone. Think of all those out there who live with it. It can help sometimes. I don't know how old you are but the best thing I ever did was go to the camp for diabetics. You should look into it.