Hello all! I’ve been looking on this site for people searching for a community and it seems that most people looking are much younger than me. As much as I would love to connect with them, I think they are searching for friends their own age. So, if anyone is in their 20’s or 30’s and wants to chat about diabetes, let me know! Unfortunately, my (outside of internet) diabetic circle is very limited and am really interested in chatting with people around my age with type 1. Feel free to reply or email loftonparkerneal@gmail.com. Thanks!
Hi I’m 30 years old as well. I was diagnosed at age 8 & could also use some more diabetic friends. I live in NYC
If you’d like to email me I can be reached at allisterstuck87@yahoo.com
Hey All! Find a JDRF YLC committee near you! It is the Young Leadership Committee and they are in most major US cities. I have been a part of the YLC in SF and DC. Let me know if I can connect you to one. They are awesome and hold various happy hours and fundraising events. All are welcome of all ages. Type one and friends of type ones.
Hi @loftonparkerneal nice to meet you I am 28 with T1 for about 13 years! I’m new here as well! How long have you lived with T1D?
Thanks, @gjjensen! I think I’ve noticed some in the JDRF emails, but I don’t think Charlottesville, VA has one? It might not be a big enough city… I think Richmond is the closest big city and I think they do have one… I’ll have to look into it!
@LeslesT1D Hi! Nice to meet you, too! We were diagnosed kind of similar times! I will hit 12 years tomorrow, so I was diagnosed when I was 18. It was actually the week of my senior high school prom… Not the most ideal time, but looking back, I’m glad I was still at home and not at college yet! My mom was SO helpful when I was first diagnosed. How was it for you, being a high school student at diagnosis also?
Hey Lofton (and everyone!)! I’ll be 30 in a couple of months and was diagnosed when I was a sophomore in college. I love talking diabetes and so rarely get to do so in real life, so I’d be happy to chat whenever you want!
Hey all, 35 and will hit my 20 year anniversary of my diagnosis this year. Like many of you, I was diagnosed as a teen (@16 the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, because irony). Looking forward to making connections with folks around my age.
Hi there! I’m 26 and was just recently diagnosed with T1D, I have also been looking for people to connect with. I am the only one among friends and family that have diabetes. My email is alyxislight@icloud.com
Hey guys! I’m 35 and have been a type 1 for 22 years (23 in Decmber). I would also love to connect! Community is so important! I’d love to hear from you!
I’m glad there are so many people in this age group to connect with!
Nice to meet you, Monika! I’m loving this post and all the connections I’ve already made. It’s nice to know there are other people out there dealing with the same things as me! I hardly know anyone where I live with diabetes, so this is pretty cool!
I’m 27 and was diagnosed at 9. Feel free to reach out or ask any questions!
Continuing the discussion from 30 with Type 1:
Hi everyone. I’m 35 with T1D. I was diagnosed at age 7, so it’s been 28 yrs for me. Glad to find a group within my age range. If you have any questions please reach out.
@loftonparkerneal that’s a great way of putting it because in high school I had no idea what was going on with me everything was new and I was almost upset and felt like I was the only one with it because no one in my family has it thank goodness. Now living with it for many years has been a challenge but I don’t let it take over me like it used to. My email is lr.serrano89@gmail.com
Hi, all! I’ll be 25 years diabetic this August and then 32 years old this September. I’ve got lots of experience to share with newbies, but I also need help sometimes with burnout. Glad to see so many people responding to this post!
Hi all! I’m Marjorie and was diagnosed at 8 with T1D. I’m 36 now and loving that there are so many people in their 30s with T1D. Anyone on the new mini med sensor? I’m loving it but having problems with the dang tape! My skin is soooo sensitive! Any suggestions or tips?
Hey guys! I am 31. I was diagnosed about 5 years ago. My honeymoon period lasted a few years but i think it is finally over so i have been struggling a little. I have never met anyone w type 1 diabetes so I would love to chat to support each other. @gjjensen I would love to be connected to one in Miami.
The best way for individuals to find out if their local chapter has a YLC group is to go to jdrf.org it will auto populate to the closest chapter from where they are currently located. On the top right corner of the screen there will be a JDRF Near You tab they can click on and a screen will pop up with the contact information for that Chapter. I recommend reaching out to the main line to ask who runs their local YLC program.
I did look up the information for Miami, the closest JDRF Chapters are South Florida here is their phone number 954-565-4775 and email southflorida@jdrf.org they are located in Ft Lauderdale, FL and the other Chapter is South Gulf Coast here is their phone number 239-591-2825 and email southgulfcoast@jdrf.org they are located in Naples, FL. Connect with them to see what is available in your area.
Hello, I am 34 and have had type I since I was 8 years old. I joined this site hoping to find some people close to me that I could hang out with. None of my friends have type I. It would be nice to have someone who understands. You can email me at oasbury@hotmail.com.