Wow..It's been a long time

Today (Nov. 23) is my 27th anniversary of being dx with T1. It feels like an eternity to me. It was also around Thanksgiving when I was dx'd, my Mom said I spent it in the hospital. I'm not sure if I'll celebrate but I hope it is a good day for me : )

Gina's d-versary is on (Thursday) Nov 25th. I just realized that it is on Thanksgiving Day. I remember hers because they're so close : )

I also hope you have a good day on your dx anniversary. I do not celebrate my anniversaries, but I count them and am always very pleased that I have made it another year in good health. I'm sure you feel that way too.

[quote user="Richard Vaughn"]

 I count them and am always very pleased that I have made it another year in good health. I'm sure you feel that way too.



Thanks, I have had a good day. I count them and remember what like was like all those yrs. ago and what it is now. Being able to come to Juvenation where people understand my disease on a personal level is a big help. Unfortunately I can't celebrate "good health" I've got a few complications and can only wish I were more healthy. However this is my life and I'm still pushing on to make it to my 28th yr. with a smile on my face : )

Wow, you guys make me feel like a rookie!  I'm only on year 17.  I remember my mom took me to the grocery store before I went to the hospital to show me the sugar-free candy and ice cream.

I was also diagnosed on Friday the 13th, so I tend not to like those! ;)

And, orange, the fact that you're here fighting with us is reason enough to celebrate!

I was dx on November 30, 2007. It was St. Andrew's Day. We have so many folk that have diabetes BD's it is interesting.

In November that is..

[quote user="jessicola"]

orange, the fact that you're here fighting with us is reason enough to celebrate!


Thank you Jessicola you just made me smile : ) 


Not sure what too say. You guys make me feel funny. I know I am one of the older ones on this site and also one of the newest members of club 1. LOL

[quote user="Keith221"]

Not sure what too say. You guys make me feel funny.


 You're a perfect fit just like the rest of us. We're all in this together !!  ; )

Say what ever you've got on your mind whether it's funny, a smart remark, serious, etc. It's ALL GOOD. LOL !

Wow, that is a long time, and it sounds like you have had a lot of trials and tribulations, but successes as well.  I, like Keith feel a little bit like a 'newbie' I'll hit 6 years in April.  But I agree, the fact that you are here is reason enough to celebrate. 

It has been 32 years for me. My dx was around the first of Oct., the fall season.  It is hard to remember a time before the dx.  Like all of you, I count my blessings - a loving wife, two wonderful adult children & their spouses, a supportive extended family, and a great group of friends, including Juvenation.  Thank you! :)

Congratulations, Orange! Somehow I totally missed this thread when you originally posted it. Hope I'm not too late :o)

[quote user="C"]

 Hope I'm not too late :o)


Thank You C, it's never too late, lol. : )


Thanks everyone for your replies.