Where IS The D- Financial Help To Be Found?

Times are hard and d care is not cheap-You can work very hard and still need help sometimes.....Is there anything out there? Especially for little ones d care ?

in iowa, we have 2 insurnace programs. one is called hawk-i (health and well kids in iowa) and the other is title 19. i'm sure your state has the same or something similar for children who need assistance with insurance. you should check out your local state department (or maybe just give them a call and someone can direct you) to get moved in the right direction.

We are going to be applying for SSI or SSID I cant remember which it is but its supplemental income for disabled people. Both my boys qualify because they are autistic and have absence seizures. I just found out type 1 is on the list of disabilities. There are income requirements that vary by state. The site is horrible to navigate but all the info is there if you look hard enough. Its a bit of a process as well but they back pay from the date you applied.



this link is better its the one for kids



jessica, i know your daughter is much too young now, but when the time comes for college contact your state department of vocational rehabilitation. they can help her pay for college tuition (not all of it, but a portion of it). because of my t1d and other illnesses, i get up to 50% of my tuition covered. even if she doesn't go to college, they can help her find a job and a place to live. they are a wonderful resource!

Thanks for that info. She wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up.

There is also needymeds.org which has links o all the programs offered by the pharmaceutical companies.


One of their links is to the Eli Lilly program (Humalog):


This is another good link to 17 diabetes-related programs:


[quote user="C"]

jessica, i know your daughter is much too young now, but when the time comes for college contact your state department of vocational rehabilitation. they can help her pay for college tuition (not all of it, but a portion of it). because of my t1d and other illnesses, i get up to 50% of my tuition covered. even if she doesn't go to college, they can help her find a job and a place to live. they are a wonderful resource!


Tell me more about this program Courtney :)

vocational rehabilitation helps people with disabilities lead normal lives. they help with everything from school to job placement to living. of course, i don't consider myself disabled, but because i have illnesses that affect my activities of daily living, they consider them disabilities. there are 3 categories of disability ranging from diabled to severely disabled. i fall in the middle, but i have several illnesses. based on your ability to function daily and your disabled category, they will help pay for your schooling--all the way up to 50% (however, i don't believe they pay for advanced degrees--you'll have to check that out). i only get 40% paid for and possibly less with budget cuts. because i'm going into a medical field, they will also pay for my licensure and state registration exams in full.

you can contact them and see how they can help you. they will help you regardless of if you only have diabetes, but you have to contact them. they won't come looking for you :o) it's full name is the department of vocational rehabilitation services.