Does anyone have any suggestions on how to find a good daycare for T1 children (age 2-5) ?
Mariam, in Canada
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to find a good daycare for T1 children (age 2-5) ?
Mariam, in Canada
Maybe a local nursing school? Or post the job on a local college help wanted wall...say you are looking for a person with T1 to watch a T1 child. Colleges might even have services to help students find jobs. Even try calling your local JDRF office...they might have some advice. Good luck!
I have been fortunate that our daycare provider at the time of my son's dx, was willing to learn how to care for him. HOwever, as my son has started preschool this week, when I was looking into that a few months ago, I just called and asked if they would take him. They asked for a meeting and we just talked thru with the director, and his teacher, what we would need them to do. They also have a grade school and had had a student a few years ago, but she was on a different care regime, so she didn't get shots at school. My son is on a pump and so they needed to learn how to run that, etc. But they readily agreed and have been wonderful this week.
I can only suggest that you contact various daycares and see if they have had kids with diabetes, or other medical conditions and if they would be willing to learn. If they are willing and they seem to be caring in other ways, I think you can train them and develop a good working relationship. I also think this has the advantage that they are not affected by how they did it with other kids, they will only know the way that you want it done. Good luck!
thank you for posting this question while I found the site and registered Mariam...
Thanks ladies for the suggestions... I feel like I have exhausted all of my options and to be honest it is rather depressing. I've been looking for a daycare for over a year and a half now and it seems everyone is either full, is very worried about liability or simply doesn't have any experience whatsoever with a T1 toddler. I'll keep plugging away... thanks again for your suggestions
How can you ever trust someone enough to care for your T1 child the way you care for them at home? My husband stays at home with my son because it's hard to trust someone else with his care. We battled even with preschool this year trying to decide whether to send him or not. He is 2 years old and doesn't always verbalize a low BG or high BG.
Staying at home is no longer an option for me. I am in the middle of a marital separation, my unemployment insurance ran out last January and at this time I am not getting any child or spousal support because the divorce is not at that stage yet. I have no choice, plus he is 4 now and needs to be with other children for his own social development, happiness and mental growth.
If he is 4, can you put him a the pre-K program in your public school district? They would have to take him and provide care for him. You could contact your local JDRF chapter for help with resources. Or ask your endo clinic for the name of a social worker that can help you with finding a daycare or school program.