When were you diagnosed?

I was diagnosed with type 1, November 25, 2000 age 25

August 13, '08 age 20 while I was on vacation. It was an awesome vacation (dripping with sarcasm).

I was dianosed with type 1 April (something) of 1983 at the age of 12.



Gina - thank you so much for all that you are doing - on this board and elsewhere (I keep looking for excuses to give you public kudos and congrats, you desperately deserve them!)


no need for kudos. I enjoy it.


I cant take full credit here.... there is a whole team of awesome developers behind the scenes making this happen!

March 10, 2003- one month before my 13th birthday. How many other people have been diagnose either a month before or after their birthday? Seems like almost everyone I've talked to has been diagnosed then. I'm just curious about this trend.

I have been diabetic since i was 3 years old i dont realy know what its like not to have it

March 1990.  I was 3 years old...

November 26, 1980, my brother's birthday.....does that count? I was 5 (one month shy of 6 years old).

I was diagnosed October 16, 2007 while I was living in England.  Kinda scary to start with- but when my glucose came down from in the 500's I felt better almost instantly. Anyone else have the issues with their eyesight when they started on insulin? Apparently it is from changing glucose levels more rapidly than they climbed....

May 13, 2008 at 18 years old

I was diagnosed December 18th, 2008 (exactly a week before christmas) at the age of 22 years old. I now realize that every gathering revolves around eating- especially Holidays!

Setember of 1997

i was 18 months

I was diagnosed in January of 1977 at age 2.  My parents don't have the exact "date",  they had a lot going on at that time (both of my grandmothers were dying).


Ellie was diagnosed August 31, 2004 (my 30th birthday - I'm guessing my 40th will be MUCH better.  Looking forward to it, even.).

I was  pulled out of my 2nd grade class, in the middle of a spelling test on the word fire truck :) January 6th,  1998, when I was 7 years old...i;m 18 now, so almost 11 years. 

I have horrible vision (legally blind w/o glasses) and I had perfect vision for a week after i was diagnosed.

July 4th 2006, on my brother's birthday a week after I turned 17, during a vacation to disney world. I spent 4 days in a hospital an hour outside of orlando due to DKA :/

I was diagnosed with Type 1 on July 2, 1991.  I was 9 years old. 

My father was a type 1 diabetic and my grandfather had type 2 so everyone in my family was educated about what symptoms to look out for in me.  My mom, aunt, cousin and I went to the beach over the summer on vacation and my aunt noticed that I had lost a lot of weight and was constantly drinking and peeing.  My mom took me to my primary care doctor and that was the first time I ever remember getting my blood drawn.  I was terrified.  He then referred me to a pediatric endo who confirmed the diagnosis.  I was in the hospital over 4th of July but I remember we could see the fireworks really well from my room.  :-)

I was dianosed with Type 1 on December 27th, 1994.  I was six.

January 3rd 2008, i was in ketoacidosis with a glucose of 670 and 3 days in the ICU

what a great way to start off the year...