Parent of recently diagnosed Type 1

Hello, I am new to diabetes and am very encouraged to find so much information and support on the web. My daughter of 8 yrs was diagnosed on December 23, 2009. Like many of you, I have started a blog to document our experiences. Please consider checking it out at Thanks again for all your generosity and support in raising awareness of this horrible disease.


Welcome. Hope you find Juvenation helpful!


Your blog is truley amazing and was wonderful to read.  My daughter (currently age 5) was diagnosed on 10/29/09 and it was so nice to read another parents feelings that are so close to mine.  Thank you for being so open and honest.  I look forward to reading more.

-Meg (Emmies mom, diagnosed 10/29 at age 4)

Read your blog. Wow, Welcome too Juvenation!! Lot's of good stuff and people here. If want to read the other end of type 1 try my profile.LOL

Thank you Meg. I appreciate your comments. I hope all is going well your daughter.

dec 23rd is my anniversary as well. good luck to you and your family.

i just read your blog; it reads like a book... you must be a novelist :o)

... and you can tell your daughter that harry potter is pretty much awesome. :D

Thank you for your comments, and yes, I am a novelist, or working at being a novelist, I should say. I'm glad you found the blog readable in that fashion. 

I'll pass on to Lia hat there are other HP-fans out there who also have diabetes. She'll be so happy.




My daughters one year anniversary is Feb. 6th.  This first year has been a real learning experience for us.  We just take it day by day but we try to make sure we see our daughter as a child and not just a D child.



Steve, Welcome!

I am a new parent to a diabetic child & new here too :).  Benjamin was diagnosed on 12-14-09.  He is 17 months old.

Thank you for sharing your blog.  You do an amazing job of using words to communicate what a diabetic diagnosis means for a family. 


I can't even imagine how you manage that with a child who can't really tell you what they want or how they feel.  The blog is my husband's.  I don't usually have a chance to write about how this has affected me.  I just take it one hour at a time, one blood check at a time, one dose at a time.