What are my pump options?

So, after doing MDI for a while, I have finally decided to go for a pump.
I use the medtronic sensor and im actually happy with it, and wouldnt mind to keep it.
I know that there is the 670g available, but with everything I hear about it, I am not that interested, even more so that I do not want to use its auto-mode. (my range is much tighter than what it offers)

I wanted Omnipod, and started the process, however it came back that it is not available under my current insurance.

so other than that, I am thinking tslim maybe an option, and what else is there?



I believe that the three pumps you mentioned are the only ones available to the IS market right now. If you’re already using the Guardian cgm sensor, I think your transition might go smoother with the Medtronic 670G.
That said, my son in on a Tandem tSlim X2 using the Dexcom G6 and it has the Basal IQ software. The system works well, and I’m sure you would have no problem with getting started. The user interface is much better than the Medtronic, it’s like a smartphone.
Tandem will be releasing the Control IQ software update either late this year or early next year, and you can remotely update the software with the tSlim X2. This does require your provider’s sign off, since it’s “prescribed.” That said, it was really pretty easy to do. Plus, the tSlim is rechargeable so less waste, although I bought a power bank for traveling recharge abilities.

Best wishes.

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I just switched from Medtronic ( after 25 years!) to the TSlim with Dexcom. The Dexcom sensors are incredibly reliable!!! No more finger sticks… no calibrations!

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People I know who move to Tandem + DEXCOM seem to be way more satisfied than Medtronic users. I find G6 is way more accurate (trustworthy data). I currently use G6 in a Loop system, but will move to Tandem next year when I’m eligible for a new pump.

** I have had the Omni pod for six months it is the best thing in the entire universe
It’s so good that if my insurance didn’t cover it I would find insurance that does cover it and get the Omni pod you will be in heaven trust me I am 77 years old and this is the best thing I have ever had in my entire life Good luck :shamrock::rainbow::shamrock:**

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Medtronic unfortunately won’t let you set the lowest acceptable level that leads to good control. If you are below 120 on the 670G it will stop feeding insulin with NO option. Dexcom with a tSlim X2 lets you set your own low level setting, and results should be better as a result. Also, the Dexcom sensors are MUCH thinner than Medtronic sensors,m and much more reliable as well.

i am considering the t slim x2 im new to the whole type 1 diabetic field but already wanting this pump and GMC i do feel like i am trying to learn everything myself for my doctors have no guidance here in my city for some reason. so im reading everything i can and reading these forums. cause sometimes i feel lost cause i have no guide or even my diabetic doctor isnt very helpful.

Mike, what pump are you currently using?
you say you are using the G6 in a loop system but you are going to get the tandem next year… which means to me that G6 can link with other pumps… but I thought it could connect only to tandem?
im a bit confused

anytime you need help, referencing about 6000 years of experience treating type 1, just ask.

I appreciate that very much. so far its just be and my mom trying ti figure it out including the carbs intake the balanced diet. my doctor gave a false diagonals apparently i have had type 1 for awhile when they thought i had type 2 which i had no idea that type 2 can form into type 1. reason why i joined this site is cause for some reason its hard to find a group in my area. so any advice would help.cause im just going off by of course my blood meter and how many dosage of units i gotta take but no real. instruction until tomorrow with my appointment. hope that makes sense. is the insulin pump good does it help you?

a lot of adults are first misdiagnosed as type 2.
people that have a large reserve of beta cells are often first diagnosed as type 2, and as it takes longer to deplete the reserve, and people become less and less responsive to (type 2) treatment, then the doctors test for auto immune response, which comes back positive.

just remember, you are not alone!
I am sure there are other endocrinologists in your area. Do not be afraid to change of endo if others are available.
An endocrinologist, is not necessarily a type 1 diabetes expert. Most are familiar with type 2 which is different treatment altogether.
if you are interested in the t-slim, maybe ask your local trainer when its time, if he/she could refer you to another endo who is familiar with t-slim in your area.

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Hi Emet,

Loop is a DYI artificial pancreas project. It uses older Medtronic pumps with RF security flaws. Specifically, I am using a Medtronic 722. Loop provides access to the program code you use to build (on a Mac) an app and install it on your iPhone. The iPhone
app takes G6 data, your pump settings, and your carb inputs, and calculates how to control the insulin pump through a Riley Link communications interface. It can withhold basal insulin if it calculates you’re going low, and it can add insulin if you’re headed
high. Loop is better than Tandem software IMO, but I would prefer to be on a commercial solution that is headed toward the kind of automation Loop provides.

There is a brand new Loop version that provides the same G6/iPhone functionality using a specific version of Omnipod.

For FDA approved systems, you are correct in thinking only Tandem is interoperable with G6.

If all that sounds interesting to you, Loop is very well documented at:


Hope that helps. Good luck!


Hi @Bmurtagh38, I agree with @Emet and want to add that pumping can be great or horrible, just like shots.

There are 2 books that are very helpful: “Think Like a Pancreas “ and “Pumping Insulin “.

Type 1 is a disease that you have to be your own primary care physician. There isn’t going to be a doctor that’ll call you back in 15 minutes day or night to give you instructions on raising a low or lowering a high. That’s just the way it is. That’s also why we’ve all had to learn how to use insulin and what it does and what food and activity does in order to stay alive.

Pumping offers you a variable basal rate that, if set up right, most closely mimics what your body used to do. All pumps need to know how many carbs you are about to eat. Some pumps stop pumping if you go low, only one (to date) give you more insulin if you go high.

It works for me because for me it’s more flexible than shots especially around crazy different activities or lack of activities and for irregular eating times and for travel out of my time zone.

Good luck

Hey @mikefarley mike I have yet to look at the alt methods but you just reminded me that there’s always a way.

This kind of thing relies on the guts to try it and future availability (if the FDA ever decides to put a stop to it) but it does sounds like it’s worth a look.

Thanks @Emet and @joe for replying to me this does help I will look up these books that you have mentioned @joe I will see what is to be done and what the my diabetic doctor says I dont have a trainer of any pump yet. until im approved and im not sure where to find a trainer for these pumps. But hopefully my questions will be answered tomorrow but thanks again for the feed back.

@joe, the #WeAreNotWaiting movement has helped lay the foundation for, and is helping to drive, many of the technology changes that commercial companies are beginning to implement. For now, the FDA is more of a friend than a foe.

Anytime @Bmurtagh38. The easiest way is to directly contact the pump and CGM manufacturers you are interested in. THEY will do the legwork and determine insurance and out of pocket. Plus it’s THEIR job to sell it- show demonstrate and answer questions. Most will come directly to you.

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