
If you live in Washington and want to find others that live in your area this is the place!

We live in Washington ( State ) and would love to have more contact with like people.


Ben's Mom

Hi, I live in Kirkland in the North Rosehill/Totem Lake area.  We like to walk on the Kirkland waterfront, from Carillon Point to the downtown marina.  Any other Kirkland natives? 


I am forming team for "beatthebridge."  This is the second time we have participated in this event.


Funny you should mention Beat the Bridge! I have their web site pulled up.... are you doing the family walk or the run? I'm an OK runner, but I don't know if I could make it 8K.... Do you really have to run it??

Hi Alyssa,

My daughter & son-in-law and my son & his girlfriend are going to do the run.  My wife & I and some other family members will do the walk through the U 0f W.  My team is called “Team RAD” – my initials.  We made our own shirts this year.

I don’t think I could run more than 100 feet!

It would be fun to see how many from “Juvenation” are at this event.


Hey, Rich, thanks for the quick response.

Fingers crossed for you, I hope the run goes well today! You should post back and let us know how many Juvenation-ers show up! Unforunately, I couldn't make it :( Maybe next year... Are there any other type 1 diabetes runs/walks in our area this year?

Thanks :)


I'm from the Seattle area and would like to meet and talk to some people who live nearby.


Big up.  I'm from Seattle and was just checking out other locals.  Friend me.

Hey I live in Wenatchee Washington.  My 4 year old daughter was diagnosed in september of last year.  I am looking for people in my area who can relate.  I hope to hear from some of you

i ues to live in Washington i live in tennessee now.

Hi, I live in Bremerton.  I know there are diabetics over here but I've never connected with them.