Unfortunately, we have to join this group

Hey everyone...

My name is Shelly. I have a 12 year old son that was diagnosed with T1 in January of this year. We're still adjusting to life with diabetes, but I couldn't be more proud of my son for handling it so maturly and responsibly! We do have some ups and downs, but I think that's pretty much par for the course.

His Endocrinologist has said that since Quinton has adjusted so well and quickly to life with Diabetes, she's considering Ok'ing him for the pump in early July. That's only  6 months after diagnosis! He's very excited about the pump and just wants to get it!

I'm glad I've found this site. It looks like a great place to come to for questions/answers. I'm going to have Quinton sign up as well. Perhaps having a community of other people who know what he's going through will make him feel a little more at ease.

Thanks for having us!

Shelly & Quinton

Welcome to Juvenation!  :)  We all wish we could know each other under better circumstances, but having this community of people helps us through.  Best of luck getting the pump - I know I love mine.  Has he decided which one he wants to get?

Best wishes,


Nothing unfortunate about it. Welcome!

Welcome, I hope it helps the both of you. I know it has helped me to talk to people with the same problems.

Quinton, that is terrific that you have adjusted to your diabetes and are doing so well. Keep it up and you may even equal my record some day. I was diagnosed in 1945 when I was 6. After 64 years of Type 1 I am very healthy. We can have long, healthy lives if we have good control. Good luck to you and your mother in the years ahead.


Welcome! It's great that you are finding a way to manage your diabetes. Best of luck to both of you!



I was diagnosed when I was 11 and was on injections for 7 years before I went on the pump.  I've now had diabetes for 18 years and since I've been on the pump, my control has been very tight.  That is exciting news for him to become a pumper. Good luck with everything!!


Hi Shelly!

My 10-year old was diagnosed shortly after your son, in March 2010. She will also be getting a pump within the next 2-3 months, and can't wait. She's already an expert carb counter, and makes her own decisions (with our supervision most of the time) on how much insulin to administer for each meal. Her doctors think she'll be ready for the pump very soon.  I love that there's an online community where we can come to ask questions and share stories.