Type 1, blood sugar at diagnosis

My blood sugar was 659, and I had extremely large ketones. They wouldn't let me eat or sleep for 24 hours until my sugar was in the 200-300 range. I remember not knowing what the numbers meant, but I DO remember hearing my parents talking on the phone about what it was "She came down to 135, but now she's 560" I lost about 15 pounds, and I almost went into a coma. But, when my older brother was diagnosed, he was only 350, with no ketones. Actually, we checked him at home because he was showing symptoms, and then we re-checked after the 350, and he was 454. We called the ER and treated him from home, he was treated COMPLETELY outpatient!! Good thing he had me :)

mine was in the 900's. I can't remember what it was exactly but I just always remember the doctors saying how I was just shy of a 1000. I felt like hell, but I was able to walk into the pediatrics office with my mom who thought that I had mono. I had lost like 15 pounds and was constantly drinking water. A few days before I was diagnosed I went to the school nurse to tell her that I felt terrible and she told me to drink lots of o.j. so I would get over this flu bug. thanks "nurse".

315 on a diabetic friends meter the night before official diagnosis

375 Fasting 2 days later at the student health center

Close to 500 after they gave me the glucose drink and decided I better go to the emergency room.  Idiots!

I think my A1c was 14 something...

Mine was 549, A1C was 14.6. However, I did down 2 bottles of gatorade on my 5-minute trip to the hospital. That probably didn't help my blood sugars. :S

Mine was over 500.

Diagnosed 8.5 years ago (9 yrs old) with a blood sugar of around 486. Not sure of the A1C. I was diagnosed with Strep Throat at the same time!

My sugar was 455 when I was diagnosed, though I'm not sure what my A1C was. I went to my family doctor after being really sick for a couple of days. I didn't do anything but sleep for four days and I was too dizzy and weak to get up. The nurse came in the room and noticed how dehydrated I was and immediately I was sent to the hospital. I was in DKA and very close to being in a coma.

I was only 4 when I was diagnosed, so I don't know what my A1C was or if they even checked it, but I was somewhere in the 500s, I think 529.  The morning before I went to the doctor and then to the hospital my friend was going to come over and have cupcakes, but I never ate one because we had to go to the doctor right away. 

Hi Valerie,

I just happened to be in the same boat you were when I was diagnosed 14 years ago.  My blood sugar was 975 when I was diagnosed, but I did not feel ill at all.  I was thirsty all of the time and made frequent bathroom visits, but I was also very active and only 7 when I was sent to the hospital.  I was also always thin so I don't think my parents noticed any weight loss.



my blood sugar at diagnosis was over 1000. i did not throw up and i felt perfectly normal.  

Oh the day of diagnosis... i went in because my PA aunt told me my symptoms looked like diabetes...

i believe my BS was around 790s and i had a A1C of 17. When they first gave me insulin this headache i didn't know i had went away, as well as the fog. 

I was Aug. 2008, in ICU, DKA, BS 672 and A1c of 13.2. All this at 52 years old.

I was 265 when first diagnosed incorrectly with type 2, my a1c was 7.4. That doesn't sound that bad compare to all the numbers I see on this website. I was just feeling awful extremely tired, weight loss, very thirsty and going to the bathroom alot, somewhat disoriented, couldn't think and almost blind, I had alot of trouble seeing people and figuring out who they were in walmart. I was correctly diagnosed 6 months later  from the endo, I still have highs and lows but  I hope to get it together  one day. This has just been since Feb 2009, what a year.

My daughter is 3 and hers was 518. we checked it 3 times and it was 473, then 518, and 458 before we called the doctor. when we took her to the hospital it was 354

the doctor said mine was 850 and going up... i was scared didnt no what 2 do when they said i had it , i started 2 cry so much i didnt no what 2 do...

Oh geez, let's see, nine years ago.... I believe I was in the 700's or 800's. I was very little, very dehydrated, I had lost like twenty pounds within a month, at seven. Yeah, not something good. All my habits were different. I always felt full, but I wasn't eating. I vaguely remember anything. it's all a big messy blur at this point.

i believe i was 648.
i’m not sure, but that sounds right haha.
all i remember was that i had the flu before i was diagnosed, so like a lot of people do, we just assumed my flu was lingering, and that it was the week before halloween. and i remember my mom helping me take my bath since i was 4, and my sister trying to do her eyeliner for her girl scouts halloween party that night… and i also remember that they though i had meningitis so they took a spinal tap and promised me a snoopy band-aid, when i got a plain brown one instead.i remember that we waited for like 6 hours in the emergency room and my dad complained, threw me over his shoulder, and started to walk out of the hospital. and then right after they said they had a room for me…and that i was thirsty so the nurse offered me grape juice and my mom yelled at her haha.

I was diagnosed July 4, 1989 when I was three years old.  All I wanted was cranberry juice, so thats what I was given.  There is no family history of diabetes, so the thought never crossed our mind.  I think I lost weight too, and then when I didn't get better we spent three hours the next day at the doctors office, then the next week at the hospital.  This is my first memory.  I never knew what my glucose number was until this September at a football game.  I asked my mom, and she didn't know, but one our closest family friends remembered.  It was 486.  One of her sisters has diabetes & one of her other sisters is a diabetes educator, so it makes sense that she remembers.  My mother's focus was on keeping it down, not focusing on what it was to begin with.  The only other time I was in the hospital for diabetes was in 2003 and I was 789.  I was drinking gatorade to get rid of the ketones, and taking insulin through shots (I was already on the pump), but my insulin had expired, so it wasn't doing anything to help.  When I got to the ER, the nurse gave me regular gingerale.  That hospital didn't have an endocrinology unit, so I got transferred from Newport to Providence RI where there were endocrinologists.  I was in the ICU for a little less than 24 hours, but in the hospital for nearly a week.