Type 1, blood sugar at diagnosis

I never knew what my blood sugar was. I was 18 years old, a freshman in college, when I was diagnosed. I was REALLY sick, probably DKA. They, the doctors at the infirmary, thought I had the flu and was severely dehydrated, so they hooked me up to a glucose IV. OOPS...into a coma I went! Not long after came my diagnosis on type 1 diabetes. They could never really say what my BG was because of the IV.



Hi Francie,I just read this post-my daughter was badly dehydrated when we went to the first local hospital,it took them 4 ever to stick her and they finally put her on a drip,that drip followed her in the ambulance  miles away to the 2nd largest hopital. They Knew she was diabetic,because I intered the 1st hospital,telling them my fear-she was so sick and things were growing worse by the minute. Now I am concerened about the drip,could she have been made worse because of it.

My blood sugar was 588 and my a1c was about 14.7    i lost 25 pounds in 2 weeks in my pre diabetes stage and couldnt stop drinking and eating

360 fasting with DKA

Mine was 440 or so but i don't remember my A1C..The only reason my mom took me is cause i told her i was wetting the bed...if i didn't it would of been higher but i got lucky cause I have another brother who had type 1 as well so my parents knew symtoms I think my brother hit 900 or so

my sugar was 712 and my A1c was 13. i wasn't sick either. i was just really tired and had lost about 5 pounds.

When I was diagnosised I think mine was 650 or something but I was 7 so I’m probably wrong lol. But it wasn’t normal :stuck_out_tongue:

Our son was 500 and was violently ill.  We took him to the ER for uncontrolled vomiting thinking it was flue.  He'd been drinking and peeing like a race horse for about a week, but we thought it was the change of climate...visiting Florida in May.


My sugar was only 360. Mine was caught because I had to go to the doc. about a urinary tract infection.

I wasn't sick though.

I was 428, with an a1c of 17. I felt fine. Three different doctors told me I was too healthy to have BS that high. I went in because I was sick of having to leave class to pee, and my doctor suggested we rule out diabetes becuase there was no way I could still be doing as well as I was after having symptoms for so long.

i was diagnosed april 22, 2005 and the first time i had my blood tested was at 12:05 and i was at 41.9 not only that but after fasting for ten hours i was at 17.8. when i got to the hospital and they sai i was at 41.9 i had no idea what that ment but the said they were suprised i was concious. scary for a ten year old!

I was diagnosed like 12-13 years ago so I don't remember but my mom saved the slip thingy in my scrapbook and my glucose was at 943 mg/dl. I was only a few months old so the symptoms were hard to see but they figured it out which was very lucky

My doctors never told me. Just that my aic was over 14 and my bg was over 500. I do know my ketone level was like 4.3... and I'd had symptoms for a month and a half, but I thought it would just pass. My boyfriend eventually made me go to the doctor... I'd lost so much weight that I'd get bruises on my spine from sitting in a chair. And not being able to watch a movie without peeing at least twice kinda sucked.

I was 499 and didn't have an A1c done! I lost about 40 lbs at diagnosis and had all the classic sign of diabetes- blurred vision, thirst, frequent urination.....I think my BG wasn't so high because I kept drinking water and only water thank god!

I was either 678 or 768. I don't remember which one. (=

I lost about 25 pounds in a little over a week and had all the classic symptoms.

I was 9 years old and I don't think I was ever told. I do remember hearing DKA and large ketones though and that I would have to go into the hospital.

523 mg/dL.  All the classic signs.  When I went to my clinic in college, they gave me an inhaler because they thought it was allergies.  ALLERGIES!  Glad I got a second opinion!

Blood sugar was 23 mmol/L (414 mg/dL) and HbA1c was 8.5%. Got diagnosed before they got too high since we knew the symptoms from when my sister was diagnosed.

Wow, that's high for not feeling sick. Mine was 280 at diagnosis and I felt like hell!