Teenager who thinks he knows it all

Yeah, I have been watching my roommate and her 15 year old son. He has the g6, an x2 pump. It’s seems like a great system. If it was used to it’s fullest. Maybe half the system used. Control IQ update hasn’t been done. We hvae been trying to let him know how much better if he just learned the whole system. I am hoping to find someone who can help explain to my roommate an her son. Highs and lows are all over the place. There’s not much in range time. Can’t watch his mom stress over this system, of it’s not be used to it’s fullest.
Thank for reading this.
Have a great day.

Hi @Matt-kya1. The teen years are challenging and having diabetes doesn’t help. I was a teen with diabetes and made it through without technology (this was in the 70s) but I was diagnosed at 3 years old so was already used to it. There are teens on the forum he can connect with if he’s willing - do a search for “friends” and most people tell you their age group.
A couple of incentives: despite services such as Uber and Lyft, I imagine teens still look forward to the independence of driving as much as ever. In most places anyone with a medical condition that could cause lack of consciousness, must have their doctor complete a medical report stating they find their patient understands their condition and manages it responsibly. The numbers don’t have to be perfect but the doctor is putting their reputation - and people’s lives - on the line by signing off, so they want to see some effort. By the time I applied for my learner permit I had had many discussions with my doctor and asked questions. And of course he had told me many times over about not driving if I’m low (we didn’t even have BG meters at the time😳 so you had a snack and trusted how you felt). Of course now he has a CGM to guide him. If he plans to go to college or pursue work a few years down the road, good control will be essential (not that it’s not now). He’ll have much more energy and focus, and let’s face it - no one wants people to see a medical emergency take place when we have the tools to prevent it.
Hopefully those things will provide incentive. Many people find counseling helps them adjust to their new life with diabetes. Of course it has to be done willingly which can be tricky with teens but I’m just throwing it out there.
If his parents haven’t set up a 504 plan for school (however that looks in the fall) they’ll want to look into it, too make sure he gets the care he needs and is able to care for himself (take a snack break or use his CGM during class without issue). And while schools are bound by HIPAA and can’t share medical info about other students, if his parents want, the school may be able to share his info so other students with diabetes can connect with him.
Finally, there are actors, musicians, Olympic and professional athletes who take insulin - not to mention a sitting Supreme Court Justice. Having diabetes doesn’t have to limit him once he comes to terms with having it.

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Hi @Matt-kya1 welcome to TypeOneNation. Hey I think it’s great that you have such concern about your roommate’s child.

Type 1 diabetes is a lifelong disease. There is no cure. I have had type 1 for over 40 years and I was diagnosed as a pre-teen. I consider myself an expert in control over my own blood sugar and an insulin ninja, and my blood sugar can still be “all over the place”. If you take a look at how hard it is to hit that tiny target considered “normal” blood sugar, you begin to realize how hard it is.

I have had decades to come to acceptance with this. Can you see that a 15 year old may have just a tiny little bit of trouble accepting their own mortality with an incurable life long disease? Most of this child’s peers consider themselves immortal by the way.

The mere fact that this teenager has a pump and a CGM and they are not dead are all testament to the fact that they are doing AWESOME. Now I am also a paren and I totally get the frustration and fear/anxiety. We would walk through fire for our children. I urge the mom to make sure that there is some kind of family and individual therapy for the stress and mental traumas of an incurable disease. Maybe point both the mom and the child toward this forum or other online community support. I believe that bolstering mental and emotional support are the most important things for this situation. Whatever you decide, cheers and good luck :four_leaf_clover:

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@Matt-kya1 Hi Matt, and welcome to the JDRF TypeOneNation Forum! I admire your concern for your roommate and her son.

Joe @joe and Dorie @wadawabbit have offered much, so I’ll limit my comments to Control IQ.

I’ve been using, and enjoying, the Control IQ system [CIQ] since January, and have found right now that the last six months have been the easiest ever for me. I was diagnosed with MY diabetes on July 4, 1957, my 16th birthday - yeah, now in my 64th year.
The 15 y/o boy is already doing the hardest part of the CIQ , that is, loading insulin into his t-Slim, placing the insertion set, and popping on the G6; just about the only other thing he needs to do is to key in his guess at the grams of carbohydrate he eats. Tell him this, and tell him I’ll talk with him if he is unsure.

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The only thing I can add to @Joe, @Dennis, @wadawabbit is to try the lad’s doctor for a local support group. My thought (and it is pretty well flushed with C-19) is to link him with a peer.

Your stepping out here to this support system is a BIG step in the best direction. Support the mom. Learn as much as you can. Ask the lad about his technology. Learn his system. Be his pal in this crazy time.

Welcome and keep us informed. What works or doesn’t work for you and the lad gives us all something to share in the future…

Hey, Matt @Matt-kya1, just back checking in. How is everyone doing? If you’re comfortable, let them know we asked about them. We’re here to help, even if all anyone really wants is a supportive place to vent.