Remembering to bolus

Hello all.  About time!  This is such a great tool for families, kids, friends, etc that live with diabetes.

I have two sons with diabetes.  My oldest is 15 and has been wearing a pump since he was 7.  He was diagnosed when he was 4.  He struggles mostly with remembering to bolus for food.  Other then alarms, that he ignores, any ideas to help so that I am not a constant nag?  My other son is on Lantus and Humalog.  He is 13 and was diagnosed a year ago.  He will be starting on a pump in the next few months.

At fifteen, I'd only had the disease for a little while and I was an MDI guy until just about a year ago.  I mention all of this to allow for a large grain of salt to be added to this thought.  For me, what helped the most was developing and honing a healthy addiction to testing.  That first meant convincing myself that every number I saw was a GOOD number because it was always information I needed.  My approach is that I never want to be out of bounds more than two hours from trouble discovery.  I test often.  I rarely forget and even when I do (at this late stage of the game) I catch and correct.  My last few A1C's have all been under 5.3.  I expect the next may be a little higher - between refining my using the pump and being sick a couple of times... Best of luck.  The teenage years were all goofy for me but the tools were not nearly so good as they are today...

When you do find things that work (and you will) if they are not things that get posted here, please post them! :)



Hi Pam, 

it must be a tough job - transferring control of your son's diabetes to him.  I know you are probably better at it than he is right now  but at some point in time he's is going to have to take care of it all, and not because you are watching, but because it's the right thing to do.

There's a great book and an easy read called "Diabetes Burnout - What to do When You Can't Take it Anymore"  and not becaue your boys are burnt out, but it'll give you an insight to what it is like from their perspective.  There are also great stories, and a section all about the "Diabetic Police" which is a pitfall for all caregivers.

bets of Luck Pam!



I have the same problem. Remembering to bolus is a big problem even for me and I am 33 haha. I will take any suggestions I can get as well!!! I am curious to what other people do. My CDE told me the best thing to do FOOD IN MOUTH, FINGER ON PUMP. I try so hard to remember that when I do it works like a charm though.


Hi. My name is Amy and I have a 17 year old daughter who has some problems with that also. She has been on her pump for about 4 years now. Do you have any trouble with them checking blood sugars? That is one of our biggest fights. I also would like some ideas on how to help her remember without being a constant nag! She says that is all I do..


Checking blood sugar is a big issue too.  andrew refers to me as a nuisance or stalker.  He thinks I follow him into the kitchen.  Usually that is not the case but if he is in there with food in his hand I'll just say don't forget insulin.  I have tried saying nothing and not being a nag, but I am the one in the dr. office when he gets the A1c.  I tell him if his A1c were where it should be, I wouldn't say a word.  I am hoping that some day he will thank me for being such a "nuisance" and not end up with problems because I wasn't.   I know that this disease is taxing and takes a lot of committment to manage.  I get burn out, so i know they must just get so sick of it.  The dr. recommended that he write on paper what he is willing to do and not do.  Usually he doesn't want to do anything, but the last time we compromised that I will check for him once or twice a day if I am able.  If I am working at those times he has to do it.  It works for a little while, then wears off.   I also tell him that if he wants to be treated like a 15 year old he has to be responsible with the diabetes. I have tried hanging signs up in the kitchen to remind but that did not help.  I try as hard as I can not to be a nag in my approach. Sometimes I just hand him the meter and he will check after he is done grumbling about it, sometimes I get the meter ready and hand him the poker and he'll just do it.  Can you set alarms on her pump that will remind her?   She is a bit older and maybe that will work.  


I am a more recent parent, however, I am (by a long measure) the last of my friends to go down this path and I was a T1-teen, so, on the chance that it may be useful, I am going to toss in my cent and a half. J

First, after a great deal of observation I am almost certain that “nag” is teen-speak for “caring adult.”

Secondly, the teen years are about discovering and managing independence while pushing away from home and identifying and managing limits.  I am sure some manage this elegantly, but managing all that goes with being a teen while also juggling a demanding chronic illness can really be an awkward and frustrating affair.  Worse, it is unfair and there is generally no nearby easily identifiable role model handy by whom one can even begin to gauge their progress.

My advice is patient, persistence, unrelenting caring and guidance.  I say this knowing that it is very likely, very much like what you are doing.  Be willing to work with your daughter if she can think of other things and ways that you can work together on managing things as she takes over more of the responsibility for her management.

I suspect your concern is as normal as a teenager’s unyielding belief that they will be fine because they said so… J  Doesn’t being normal feel great?!?!?!? <EG>



Thanks.  Your cent and a half is very useful and appropriate!  It is always good to hear from people that have actually been where my kids are now.  I can not imagine what it is really like for them.  I just want them to become independent in a safe and healthy way.