I drink a lot of Crystal Lite. I wonder if that also causes water retention? I am only 8 pounds overweight, but I do have a lot of fatty tissue on my abdomen. I injected insulin for 61.5 years and have pumped for almost 3.5 years. I almost always use my abdomen, so that has to be a big part of the reason for my flabby tummy.
Neither my GP (internal medicine doc) nor my endo see anything wrong with diet soda, in moderation. i drink one aluminum can of diet soda per day.
I definitely need to give up pop. I love Diet Pepsi and drink large quantities of it (usually caffeine-free). I went to the doctor on Monday and found out my blood pressure is getting higher. Doctor asked if I drank diet pop and explained that it's super high in sodium, even higher than regular pop. So count me in!
I would REALLY love to take the challenge......but I have NO WILL POWER!!! I am addicted to diet soda.......does anyone have any good suggestions about how to stop....please let me know....I may be up for the challenge.........thinking...........
so let's be honest...pop isn't good for you, whether it's regular pop or diet pop.
i've done it before and felt sooo much better, on top of losing a lot of the stomach weight i was carrying (i've packed it back on, so i'm trying to get rid of it again). diet pop apparently makes you retain water weight, so i think that's why i was able to slim my stomach down, even while still doing shots there.
i've been drinking diet coke for so long now, that i have to water it down when i do drink it!
i drink quite a bit, normally sprite with gin, i'm going to replace it with OJ with gin instead (i'm not a toxic water drinker, it's so gross). instead of drinking pop..gonna
some juice(yes it means an extra shot or an extra bolus for some of you, but it's
better!), milk, water, crystal light(my fav)!
when i gave it up the first time, the first two weeks were the worst, but i felt better after that and i managed to drink it only occasionally for a few months after that before i started drinking it regularly again.
who wants to take the challenge with me? at least one month without three drinks that involve diet or regular pop (that allows you to cheat a bit and gives you one pop drink a week).
(the exception would be regular coke in order to treat a low of course)
hows this....i sometimes drink crystal light in my water but now i'm gonna use kool-aid and add splenda or truvia to it. cutting out pop is a great idea!
I hate to complain, but what the heck are we supposed to drinK? I like Diet Rite 'cause it has no sodium. And Walmart has flavored carbonated water without sodium. After that water is all that is left. I drink black coffee because of diabetes, Ice tea with out sweetners. I think a bit of soda is not gonna kill me.
I won't. I don't wanna. I don't think it's bad for me and I don't want to quit. I've already cut out or minimized a lot of other stuff I like. You gotta draw the line somewhere. So, no. But I do wish the best of luck to all those who do quit if that's what you wanna do.
i tend to agree that there's nothing wrong with pop. sure it's not "natural", but neither are a lot of other things we enjoy. the only problem i have with pop is the absurd amount of caffeine i have when drink it.
if you want reasons to stop drinking sody, i can give you some. but i really don't think they're necessary. sody tastes good and i rather enjoy it myself ;o)
This is something that I've been meaning to do myself. I'm practically addicted to diet soda - usually diet Pepsi. I think I drink more soda than water, which isn't helping. So, I'm definitely going to jump on the bandwagon. Let's see, today will be the last day for soda and I'll try to survive November without it. I will allow for one exception, and that is when my blood level is high, I'll let myself have one can of diet soda (for whatever reason, having a diet soda when my level is high makes me feel better).
in the states, "pop" has a different name based on where you live. in the south, every pop is called "coke". in the north/midwest, it's "pop". everywhere else it's "soda". personally, i like to use "sody pop", but i call it whatever pops into my head.
Thanks for the clarification C! If I'm ever in the States, it's usually for "fun" time, so I tend to drink either water or beer... any "American" terms for those ones??? haha
in the states, "pop" has a different name based on where you live. in the south, every pop is called "coke". in the north/midwest, it's "pop". everywhere else it's "soda". personally, i like to use "sody pop", but i call it whatever pops into my head.
Ahh Fresca! I remember the good ole days of Fresca. When I was younger I used to love that stuff! I drink a diet coke about once a day so I'm in on the challenge!