when you guys drike diet soda do you read it any way to make shure it is.
well i dont and i should have a mouth ago becuse i bought a soda called diet crush and it had half the carbs in it then the rill crush. i got a rilly bad stomuik ack and about though up when i got home so. so wich brings me to this becarfull what you drink and or eat its not safe any more for diabetcs any more.
well the probelm was that I love the rill crush but it tast desuting becues i dont drike pure suger any more. so i thoght mmhmm sounds rilly good so i bought it and thinks its diet whats it going to do to me so i get home i finished it and throw the bottle away and i wasnt feeling to good so i did all the usasly cheackis uren, nothing at all thinking ok what ever did a bg high so i took some insulin ion about a hour i felt better.
I always check even at restraunts or the drive-thru at McDonads. I drink diet Sundrop! It's my faveorite drink in the whole world! Except you can only find it in North Carolina. It has like one or two carbs a serving. I went to a restraunt one time and I asked for unsweet tea and the waitress gave me sweet tea instead! It was so nasty! I always have regular sodas on hand though. I usually drink one if my sugar is low and I can't get it to come back up with anything else. When I have to drink a regular soda my parents laugh at ame because I make this terrible face! Regular soda to me is just disgusting!
Energy drinks are the same too. I know sugar free Redbull still shows that it has carbs and Monter's low carb obviously still has some carbs. If anyone see's a blue Rockstar sugar free drink I recommend trying that. It's by far my favorite energy drink. And FYI, my favorite diet soft drink would definitely be Diet Dr. Pepper. Can't beat it!
Energy drinks are the same too. I know sugar free Redbull still shows that it has carbs and Monter's low carb obviously still has some carbs. If anyone see's a blue Rockstar sugar free drink I recommend trying that. It's by far my favorite energy drink. And FYI, my favorite diet soft drink would definitely be Diet Dr. Pepper. Can't beat it!
ok i will have to lokk for it and diet dr peper is great.
Energy drinks scare me. Nothing good can come from them... Says the person who lives off of Diet Mountain Dew. However out of professional courtesy I will try to track one down and give it a shot. Not that I need any extra "energy" running in my system.
I prefer the Monster Lo-Carb drink. Its the blue cans, and I looked on the back and according to my carb ratio, I would only have to take 1/3th of a unit of insulin for it. and it tastes soooooooo yummy!
Gas stations of convienance stores. Places like that have them. I'm not sure if it's a certain region thing or not, but I'm in NC. As far as the whole energy drink is concerned, haha I believe I'm building a tolerance to caffeine. Or an addiction? haha I guess it depends on how you look at it?!?
Gas stations of convienance stores. Places like that have them. I'm not sure if it's a certain region thing or not, but I'm in NC. As far as the whole energy drink is concerned, haha I believe I'm building a tolerance to caffeine. Or an addiction? haha I guess it depends on how you look at it?!?
ok then i will hace to look hopfully i can find it.
Energy drinks are the same too. I know sugar free Redbull still shows that it has carbs and Monter's low carb obviously still has some carbs. If anyone see's a blue Rockstar sugar free drink I recommend trying that. It's by far my favorite energy drink. And FYI, my favorite diet soft drink would definitely be Diet Dr. Pepper. Can't beat it!
Ewwwwwwwwwwww Matt, Diet Dr. Pepper?!?!?!? gross. hahaha best drink EVER. Diet A&W Root Beer.
or here in Canada we have PC Diet drinks.. they have TONS of flavours.