Single mom and 11 yr old son diagnosed with T1D last week. Feeling overwhelmed

I feel like I got it then I feel like i don’t.

Hi. My 21 year old daughter was only diagnosed about three weeks ago. I know how overwhelming this time for you can be. I also know that in that short time, we learned quite a bit and are learning every day. We are finally taking a breath and seeing we are not alone. There are so many people on this site offering their experience and goodwill, you will find you will not be alone in this journey. My best to you.

Thank you so much. It is very comforting to know others feel the same. My son is actually very strong and has been doing great but then of course has his moments. Just feel exhausted.


My daughter was also 11 when she was diagnosed - that was three years ago . It is very scary as a parent, especially at the beginning when there is so much to learn and take in. It takes time, so be kind to yourself. Both of you will adapt, it does get easier. Surround yourself with support - people who understand, and people who can help. Best wishes to you and your son.

Our daughter was diagnosed at 11 also. We were shocked and relieved all at the same time. In the weeks prior, she lost a lot of weight and the doctor made mistakes. Folks were even suggesting she had an eating disorder - our sweet and wonderful daughter. She has always been strong - well in the face of others - and always administered her own insulin. She managed her best through high school and college, now 25 and married.

Weird thing is, last year, I was diagnosed with LADA and in the last month, I now have full-blown type 1. So, my parenting helped me calibrate to type 1. That said, I really didn’t quite get it until I had it! So, give him understanding, 'cause such matters are always on our minds. It’s a physical and a mental condition. We just have to always think over our sugar and insulin and our carbs and our diet and our setting and folks around us and what they think and, and, and. . .

Hang in there, there’s a rhythm and we all have to find it. I’m still working on it myself. May need to retire. I think youth are better at such resiliency!


The GP also told me my daughter had an eating disorder. He also sent us home with her glucose levels at 46, in DKA. Needless to say we found a new GP after diagnosis. I found it so strange that his first thought was anorexia. Kate manages all her own testing and injecting (she is fiercely independent!) Best wishes as you tackle your own health issues.

One day at a time, as hard as it sounds try not to overthink. You will both be learning together, my 11 year old was diagnosed under a year ago and we continue to learn everyday. We are blessed to have a lot of tools available to us and them to try to make this disease a little more bearable, things that have not always been available. Have faith, if you practice religion hang close to that for comfort and peace. You will do great, he will do great, your bond will only get stronger and you will be amazed to see the strength your son has. Good luck :slight_smile:

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Hi my name is christina I am 11 almost 12 if u want I would be happy to help y’all I’ve was diagnosed 3 years ago

Hey, I’m Laney. I’m only 14 so I don’t know if anything I say will be helpful but if you need any advice or support feel free to talk to me. I’ve dealt with the highs and lows of diabetes for a long time so I understand what you guys are going through. If your son needs a friend who understands I’d be happy to help. Things will get better. There will be nights that you don’s close your eyes because his sugars are so bad and anxiety is picking at your brain, but there will also be days that you for a second, you forget he even has diabetes because the beauty of life around you is stronger than this disease will ever be (even if it doesn’t always seem like it).

Hi @Chrystinep1218
My name is Chloe
I was diagnosed at 11 as well. I’m now 14 so if either you or your son fill like talking to any one fill free to message me for advice, or even just to vent.

When my daughter was first diagnosed the best wisdom that I got was from one of the doctors doing rounds. He asked if I wanted to listen to what he had to say and of course I did, this was so new to me and I was almost in shock. Our daughter is the ONLY person in our family with T1D. So this was new. The doctor did his evaluation and then he turned to me and said “I know this is overwhelming right now, but give it time. It’s like bringing home a new born for the first time. You are scared and unsure, but in about 3 months you will feel better and learn what to do.” And he was right. I was in a fog for about 3 months. And I’m not sure that you ever really get this, as soon as you think you have a handle on it, everything changes. You can do the same thing every day, eat the same food, give the same insulin, and you will get different results. So my advice is to breathe. You have raised a child from birth until now, it will change, it will never be easy, but it will become your norm. And that is OK. This is now a part of his life, and a part of your life and YOU’VE GOT THIS!!!

Hello my son got diagnosed in early February of this year and it is overwhelming. Everyone kept telling us don’t worry it’ll get easier just watch. And at the time that didn’t matter I just wanted it to go away! But it didn’t and it is getting easier, keep positive and what helps me is to realize that this condition is something we CAN live with. My son is also 11 and he’s just getting to the point of not being ashamed and even thinking of maybe telling some of his friends. It’s a process and it takes time. Glad to hear that he’s dealing with it well, that’s a huge plus. My mission for my son right now is to locate other boys his age in the area so he can see he’s not alone. He’s the only type 1 at his school. Hope you find your peace with this and thank you for listening.

Hi Chrystine

I was diagnosed at 12 but it was a looong time ago (1972) After living with T1D for 45 years I can tell you that he can make this work!!! In the beginning I felt very hurt by it “why me” but as life has gone on and I now realize that it can be overcome. I am 59 now and went to my 40th HS reunion last summer. Because I followed the rules and took care of myself I was in the best health of any of my classmates. I never started drinking or smoking so I never had the issues that they can cause affect me.

I am nothing special and he can do it too. I am not a “perfect” diabetic by any means. I have treats every so often but always limit the amount and limiting the amount of things you eat is the trick. Don’t eat a whole pizza only eat a couple of slices, don’t eat a whole slice of birthday cake eat half a slice and don’t do it every day . By limiting what you put in you don’t have to miss anything just take a bite.

Good luck to you and him and know I felt the same way when I first became diabetic but now that I am at this point in my life I can clearly see that you can overcome it and he will. I wish I knew back then what i know now…

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I know everyone says this but it does get easier and you forget how life was before. You will jus t get so used to it. My son was diagnosed at 18 months and is now 12. I now realize that it was a blessing although scary as hell that he was diagnosed so young as he has never known a different life. Being diagnosed at 11 has got to be a big change. You got this!!

My daughter was diagnosed when she was 9 years old she’s 10 now and even as the time passing and I feel more confident knowing what I’m doing I have my moments my daughter does well with it she hasn’t once complained we are now on the Onmipod which I feel make it a little easier for her and me at the same time

It gets easier. My 7 year old daughter was diagnosed at 6, last year on June 26th. I have been separated from her Dad since 2015. It was super crazy for the first 6 months. I also have an ornery 5 year old little boy, so doesn’t help either. It has almost been a year, though with her diagnosis, and I feel like the last 5 months or so we have really conquered it. It is just apart of our lives. Don’t get me wrong, there are days that we have melt downs, and have to be the ONLY one contacting the Doctors, speaking to the school nurse, ordering her pump supplies, and am the only one that puts on her Dexcom, but this is her life. We do what we need to do so they can be healthy, thriving, productive, happy young little people. I totally understand where you are coming from. If you ever need anyone to talk to, I am here. I could definitely use a support system too. :slight_smile: Chin up, we are right here with you :slight_smile:

Hi Casandra @Casandra_s, I think you used the most important word in helping your daughter manage her diabetes; another “C word” you are possibly feeling is “comfortable”. With all the tools now available to your daughter will be able to manage well and live a long, active and healthy life.
From my experience living with diabetes for more than 60 years I’m of the opinion that T1D can never really be controlled because of the more than 100 little bits of each of our lives that affect diabetes. But even without being “in control”, we can manage diabetes effectively; and it never becomes “easy as pie”.

My grandson 10.5 was diagnosed mid July and he, his dad and 2 brothers just moved in with us about 3 weeks prior to him getting diagnosed T1D. He is all over the place emotionally in regards to testing, doing his numbers, etc. I keep telling myself to not get frustrated, but he refuses to test himself saying he “can’t”. He wont do the calculating for his dose either. I asked and its not the pricking of his finger. He gets very combative and refuses to do it. It is a regular thing now 2 -3 times a week. Its to the point i told him to put on his shoes because i would take him to the hospital so they can do it. I dont want physically hold him down (he has abuse history) and make him scared of me. I also dont want him to think this early he can go hours and hours without knowing his BG. His younger and older brother also see his adult family members having to battle this as well. The brothers were also abused, so i feel extremely frustrated. I think he needs T1D counseling besides the couseling he is getting now (abuse).

YOU GOT THIS! You are fierce, this disease is manageable. You and your son are stronger than T1D. Can’t wait for you to meet more moms just like you! The power of those mamas can light up a city!