I am very new to this… I knew almost nothing about diabetes when my 11 year old son was rushed to the ER on Monday with his blood sugar through the roof… I have since become much more knowledgeable about the subject. Today is the first day I haven’t cried about this. I have felt extremely overwhelmed in the last few days. We were kind of blindsided by this because no one in our immediate family has it. I knew some things about Type 2 and apparently I was completely clueless about Type 1. Besides having Type 1 Diabetes he is very healthy. Our son is now out of the hospital, he was released Weds. I really don’t feel like I am strong enough to cope with this, but then I realized what choice do I have. I have to be strong for my son. Now is not the time to fall apart. Well, thank you for listening and I am glad to be a member here.
You are right you do have to be strong for your son. You will get through this as a family. I was diagnosed with T1D as an adult (25) I had no knowledge about type 1 other than my mom’s sister. But, I all I really knew was that she would need sugar if she went low.
I am glad today was the day you chose to find us! And also on the day you haven’t cried about it either! We are all here and going through the same feelings as you and hopefully, you will gain some comfort in that.
JDRF has some great resources for newly diagnosed families, I sorted them out in the NEWLY DIAGNOSED GROUP HERE.
You can also find your local JDRF chapter by going to this link and typing in your zip code.
If you need any help around the site feel free to contact me anytime by typing in @gina on any of your posts or going directly to my profile and sending me an inbox message!
Sorry to hear about your sons DX. It is difficult for a bit, reading labels and counting carbs. After a while the whole process will just become part of his daily routine, it’ll be second nature. As Gina mentioned JDRF is a great source of information. Our son was 4 yrs old and is now 8 and he’s still happy go lucky kid. This disease sucks but it doesn’t need to control our kids lives. Stay strong
Hi Dee - I always say that the first year of having a child with diabetes is sort of like the first year of being a parent - just as overwhelming. My son was diagnosed at 2 and a half and is now 19 at college. I had no knowledge of T1D before his diagnosis. You (and he) will learn and while life won’t be the same as before, it will be close and it also will not be the overwhelming experience it is now. If you want him to, he will go to camp, he will sleep over at friend’s houses, he will manage his diabetes on his own, he will go to college, he will have a girlfriend. All of the hopes and dreams you have for him, are all still absolutely within reach.
And if I could tell you how rapidly technology has changed and is changing the lives of people with diabetes… Since my son was diagnosed 16 years ago, the changes have been mammoth. And the progress continues.
Do get involved with JDRF. They will keep you up to date with research progress, they will give you a voice with others to lobby for support, they will give you and your son peers to share the frustrations and triumphs with — people who “get it.” Also, check out this website: www.childrenwithdiabetes.com. It is tremendously helpful with sample 504 plans for school, teaching concepts for training teachers and staff, etc.
Great job getting through today! There are tons of resources for any questions you may have, and we are here for you. I just joined this group after seeing your note.
Hi Dee. I understand how overwhelming this is for you. My son was diagnosed at 12 years old. He’s now 14. He’s a happy, healthy teenager ! I never thought that I’d be able to say that. I cried every night for months , but I never let him see. I still worry but not nearly as much. Life becomes a new normal. My son took control of counting carbs and giving his own shots within the first week. That gave him some control when he felt overwhelmed. Snacks were his major concern. He was always hungry. But we found what works for him. You’ll find your way, the same as you did when you brought him home as a newborn. When ever you need answers , call his endo, they’ve heard it all and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Ask friends, family, school nurses, teachers and JDRF. You’ll be surprised how willing everyone is to lend a hand !!
My thoughts are with you and your family. My son was diagnosed a year and a half ago. Someone mentioned a new diagnosis being similar to a new baby, it is. Things will get easier. As difficult as it is to believe, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Once your son is stabilized, I strongly encourage an insulin pump. Our son went on one 3 months after diagnosis. While it is not always perfect, the pump does offer peace of mind. God bless and hang in there.
This story is so familiar. I, too, felt so overwhelmed when my son was diagnosed. Last summer, July 4th to be exact, we had a very similar experience. I thought I’d lose my mind. But I’m still here and he’s doing good, and that is proof that you will make it. If you ever need to talk, I’m available. You can find me on Facebook-Stephanie Harriott. I’ll be praying!
Many, many, many hugs to you and yours. It is such a rough time at the beginning. My son, 11, was diagnosed this past June so we have been experiencing this new normal for the past 8 months and it has gotten “easier” in the sense of feeling more confident and competent in what we are doing. He has just finished being a lead in his school musical, being invited to be in the all-state choir, tested for his brown belt in karate and received it, and working on a script for his second movie…my point is that he (and we) are living life to the fullest and it is beautiful. There are many resources on the web to reach out to other parents for support and cheers so glad to know you are here. Again, many hugs!
Thank you all… you are all so very nice and supportive. We have a lot of other challenges in this situation. Unfortunately his father and I are divorced, we share custody 50/50 so we have to find a way to follow the same care, schedule, and guidelines between both households. His father and I had an amicable divorce, we have been divorced for quite some time so we have learned to work together well for the sake of our son. The good news is that we are both very active and involved in our son’s life, we are able to put our differences aside and we are working very hard to make sure he has everything he needs at both homes as well as at school. Another challenge we have on top of the diabetes and being divorced is our son also has ADHD. So we have been presented with a lot of challenges in this situation… But we will get through it and we will be OK. I had a hard time dealing with it, especially at first because I felt like he would never have a “normal” life again, but the more I learn about DT1 the more I can see that he can have a very normal, active life and he can be happy. I am so glad to have found this site… it is great to feel like I am not alone.
Dee, you are right there in your thoughts to be supportive of your son. You are learning that T1D is comprehensive in that it involves almost every aspect of our lives - and YES, we can live with it and do just about anything and everything we desire in life [I’m in my 57th year on insulin].
Let him live with diabetes, but don’t let diabetes rule him. Certainly he will need to educate himself about many, many things and follow certain guide lines but there isn’t anything he will not be able to do. To you his mother: be a guide [there is a lot you will need to learn and know and there are many people here who will help you], don’t nit-pick him but look rather at the big picture - use your mature head when offering advice, firm when necessary but softer the majority of the time.
You will do right by him - get familiar with available technology and keep abreast of studies - let him participate when possible. Call on others and write anytime!
@dmc81076 I was diagnosed when I was 10 years old and am now 28 years old. My mother was absolutely devastated. She was able to even get a stress leave from work for 3 weeks to help have time to adjust which was great for her. It was a BIG adjustment. I felt a lot of why me…at that age I even asking why my best friend, who had a bad lying habit, wasn’t the one who was diagnosed (lol)…
If there is anything I can tell you it is that the teenage years are hard and I guarantee you’ll get through it and so will he! I highly encourage a pump - it has changed my life (injections 7 years, pump 11 years). The technology they have today even compared to 18 years ago is amazing and thankfully we are fortunate enough to have breaking edge technology making our lives better. I will honestly say though that the pump increased my quality of life substantially.
When I was 15 years old I went to school in Paris France for 6 months and dropped low in the night putting myself unconscious and needing an ambulance. My mother was BESIDE herself! I was okay though - and its the only low I’ve ever had that put me in the hospital or unconscious. My mom was okay after too=)
I hope things go well for you & your son - it takes some time. You’ll make dinner once or twice at least and realize as you’re putting it on the table oh my gosh he didn’t give his insulin yet!!! I say that in not really knowing what the ‘in’ type of short acting is these days. Back then it was “R” which needed to be given about 1/2 hour before eating, though humalog was becoming a big thing shortly before I got my first pump but I never used it. I use nova rapid in my pump now which doesn’t really need much lead time at all.
Take care and never hesitate to shoot a message if you want to talk!
My daughter was dx’ed at age 11 and is now 15. Consider buying the book “Think like a Pancreas” and consider attending the Children With Diabetes’ Friends For Life conference in Orlando in July. It is a great opportunity to ask questions and see all the new technology. It is where my daughter found her ‘new normal’ and your son will make friends with other kids his age - friends for life. This will be our third year to attend. It’s also what gets her through each year.
My daughter is 22 months old and was diagnosed with T1 2 months ago. The biggest thing I have learned so far is the importance of keeping to a schedule and routine. The days we get farthest off of schedule are the days we tend to get the craziest numbers. However, it still baffles me that even when we follow the same schedule, same routine, same food, sometimes we get a wild number thrown in there. It is surely a roller coaster ride.
Hi Dee . I totally understand how you feel only 4 days out from my 11 year old sons diagnosis. I fluctuate from being proud at his bravery and ability to absorb new info to being terrified and teary. I have a baby due in 7 weeks as well. Praying to God for daily courage to stand up to this new life. Hugs and blessings to you and your family. Michelle