
Hey just wondering if anyone is religious on here???

I am a Christian!

So I thinkin I could get some input on yall's faith,, and of course talk to anybody who had questions of their own

Hey Victoria!

I don't think I would call myself religious.  When people say that word, others think of up tight, no fun, boring, and blah.  I love God.  I love knowing Him and learning about Him.  But my relationship with Him is not boring or blah.  It's exciting!  It's not about a set of rules, it's about doing a little something for the God who gave me life and saved me from all that is evil. I know with absolute certainty that when I die, I'll get to spend eternity in heaven with Jesus, free of diabetes.  It's the least I can do to live my life in a way glorifying to Him!


hI Victoria , I like the scripture you have :) I am a Christian too . I really don't know what I'd do without my faith in God. Thanks for your post :)

yah,, everyone keeps telling me this is a chronic illness but i refuse to let that over me!

and i especially dont let anyone call me a diabetic,, i was simply diagnosed in late march but is expecting a full recovery!

I agree that with genuine faith, all things are possible.  Please remember that when sin entered the world so did disease.  Until we are gone from this place, and united with Christ, we will still face the effects of sin and disease.  Also remember God is in control of all things, and He gave us the wonderful tools of science and medicine to assist us as we cope with our health related issues. 

but do we still have to have the effects of sin and disease?

we are above the sin in the world, and because we are Jesus believing, faith beholding, hell breaking Christians shouldnt we not have to be cursed by this?


I am very open to hearing about other people's religions but I don't actually call out to 'God' unless I'm throwing up or really sick. I don't understand how people of any religion can pull an 'idea' out of the air and run with it. I've witnessed christians so ignorant to toher people's beliefs it disgusted me. And even though i wasn't necessarily on the other person's side i was more than happy to be a devil's advocate to open people's minds. Since my diagnosis i've felt a religious opening and i finally feel as though i can put my trust in a God.

hey i'm christian too!   God is a BIG part of my life, i know hes helped me get through this and will continue to. He hasn't just helped me through this he's helped me in other ways too. He's just awesome, i cant imagine my life without him. 

Another Christian checking in. I would never have had a chance without GOD!! So AWESOME!! Don't let things of this world bring you down.

Their is one more Chrirstan checking in. I think that when u  need help that u keen down and pray to god to help u with what ever is going on that u need help with. I could not have gone his far with haveing diabetes unless I had GOD in my life. It has been 11 years since I was Dx with T1 diabetes and I am soon to be 15. And Think that the most Great thing GOD gave me was diabetes sometime I dont think so but he gave me diabetes cause he has a plan for me with diabetes and I am not going to give up now.

oh no!!! never think that God gave this to you

this is where i think sooooo many christians get it wrong,, in no way did God give this to you

Satan came to steal kill and destroy.. Satan is the one attackin our bodies and it is by God that we can live with it

but the real plan for us is to receive our healing and and then give the glory back to Him and then share the good news with others

They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the LORD -- Jeremiah 1:19

I love this verse soo much,, it describes everything we are going through..

but we have to understand that He is the one who will rescue us not fight against us!

we have our healing,, Jesus already paid for it; but we have to accept and get rid of the claim to all the disease and sickness in our bodies!

Well a way god only gave us this cause he kown that we could handle it and he has a plan for us that has something to do with diabetes. 

ok maybe,, but where in the Bible does it say that God will inflict you with troubles just cause He knows you can handle it?  God wants us to have a full and happy life with no chains like diabetes....  So yah our bodies are being attacked,, but by the devil not God... God is what can turn this evil (diabetes) and use it for good because He has plans for us-- but they dont require diabetes for sure!

Jesus bought sin and disease on the cross!! 

ok maybe,, but where in the Bible does it say that God will inflict you with troubles just cause He knows you can handle it?  God wants us to have a full and happy life with no chains like diabetes....  So yah our bodies are being attacked,, but by the devil not God... God is what can turn this evil (diabetes) and use it for good because He has plans for us-- but they dont require diabetes for sure!

Jesus bought sin and disease on the cross!! 

I dont belive that diabetes is the devil...I also dont think that diabetes is great but I think that God has a plan for us that involed's diabetes

God uses unfortunate situations not just for your own good, but to show others around you his awesome power. You may not realize how many people you touch by handling your diabetes with the Lord in your heart. He does not inflict disease on any one but he can use the situation to show his grace.

That is was I was try to say...And when I was growing up I was told that Devil is sin and i dont think diabetes is sin

Oh! I forgot to add, I'm not sure how my insurance would feel about paying $6,600.00 for the pump, but then paying for needles instead of pump supplies (even though the cost for needles is waay less than the cost of pump supplies).

If it seems like a plain cgm will be approved soon, I'd go with #1. Otherwise, I have no idea! Ack! Why do things have to be so complicated?

Can you even use the cgm without a pump? Cuz my friend was told by Medtronic that you can't.