God in your diabetes management


It such an amazing thing to involve God in your struggle against sickness. It is a completely a legitimate war and God will surely help you because you did nothing to bring type 1 diabetes to yourself. It is a war you didn’t start.

I am so content that one day we will meet God and there will an enteral life with no sickness.

I don’t believe God is some man. I don’t believe Jesus is God either. It is radical to think Jesus or any good man is God. God is his God and our God, his Lord and our Lord.

Hi Sarah12345,

Thanks for starting this discussion. I think it is so important to remember God in this struggle, because He is so aware of what we are going through. I believe we are here to experience trials and to learn how to overcome them with God’s help.

I was diagnosed with T1D when I was 11. I have always been pretty health conscious, but this has also come with a long struggle of emotional eating. I still struggle, but I’ve learned that I can’t overcome my struggles without turning to God. He has led me to specific people and resources that I wouldn’t have been led to without this specific trial. I’m glad I can relate to others who struggle with the same things I do, instead of feeling so alone like I used to.

Hi beccaboo12,
I was diagnosed at age of 26.9. Now I have had the disease for about 5 years and few months.
I see you have had the disease for 15 years.
We are lucky that type 1 diabetes has softens our hearts and also we have become wiser.

Let’s ask God to weaken the harms hyperglycemia does to our bodies. who wants to loose his health.

May type 1 diabetes be just a mere hyperglycemia with no complications.

Type 1 diabetes is just like black magic, very harmful but it is not capable of causing harms unless God permits that.

Yes, what a beautiful thing. It really does soften our hearts if we allow it.

Sometimes I struggle with not being in complete control of my body. There are many different factors that affect our blood sugars, not just food. I am learning, slowly but surely, to trust in God and not try to solve things all on my own. I have always tried to be a pretty healthy eater and have felt guilty for “messing up,” but I am realizing that I have lived by many false beliefs about my body, and I am learning to respect it the way God would have me respect it. It is a difficult journey, but just the fact that we have bodies is a huge blessing, and we should really listen to them and treat them the way they deserve. Obviously many of us have physical limitations or other issues, but those are what remind us of our dependence on God. I am grateful for the disease I have because it has turned me to God so many times, at my lowest of lows.

And God does indeed permit it, just as with so many other diseases in the world, some of which take even children’s lives. It remains a mystery, but the Bible tells us to live with it as gracefully as we can. He heals very few people; the bible itself documents very few outside of the life of Christ, and that is over a span of some 2000 years. I think of it this way. If we did not have problems, practically no one would feel the need for God in their lives.

As far as Jesus, I like the fact that God decided to come as a man so we could relate to Him, and to realize He understands, sympathizes with our weaknesses, and provided a substitution for my otherwise full guilt of a sinful life. I need that, and millions of others (actually all people) need it. Becoming a man was nothing for God to perform, and He still was separate from his representation as a man. It was for our benefit He did that, not His.

This is a good place to discuss the miracle of the man-made artificial pancreas, which should be on the market by any number of vendors within two years. It will greatly simplify our lives and almost eliminate hyperglycemia. Search for the term artificial pancreas on this website.

We hope and trust in God that research will continue to lead towards a cure.