I have wondered about this. My faith has not left me or wavered but it can be challenging. I had a great relationship with Jesus before I was diagnosed this year in February and I do believe it made it easier for me to accept. I feel like sometimes he has given me this burden but I don't know why. Any one have any thoughts?
This is exactly what I think about when it's 3 am and im 40. (or 400.) I try to tell myself God's really actually trying to accomplish something by giving me T1, but it's kinda hard...maybe something will make itself apparent when I'm a little bit older, but for now, I'm pretty clueless.
Well I am 43 and don't know what it is going to lead too. What I do know, is that when I have followed Jesus things have worked out. I made a deal with him over 15 yrs ago and my life has been better for it. They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I have to agree. I hope the Lord blesses you with a direction that will set you on fire for others to see.
Ksum I think u are right. Everyone that kown's GOD and Jesus, when I was growing up my mom and dad, and everyone would tell me that God has a plan for me and I belive that plan is something to do with me and diabetes. That is why he gave me diabetes when I was age 3 1/2. I was also told that "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
that's my favorite quote. God does everything for a reason but he does so in the most subtle ways by means of science and natural laws. if he wants someone to join him in heaven earlier than usual then that person wont be able to join him if he's healthy and and nowhere near death. that's why God allows the existence of diseases and that's why we have diabetes God planned our judgement day sooner than some people.
Hello Ksum,
Yes I agree keeping or having faith can be challenging especially at first diagnosis. My son has been a Type 1 since he was 23months old and is now 12 yrs old and believe me I did question myself at that time why my son, what did we do wrong etc.? All of these type of questions came easily at first but; after about a year or so I began to realize that God did not do this to my son or family, maybe he allowed it to happen (who knows) so instead of dwelling on the "why" I started to focus my energy, thoughts and prayer on the belief for a cure. I believe there is GREATNESS in all of us even my son with type 1 and that there may be something in his destiny that he is suppose to do, say or just be the example because of his Type 1. This helps me cope when my Faith may show signs of wavering. I know God is Good all the time and am just waiting in prayer and patience for a cure in our lifetime. I hope God has helped you understand what he wants you to do with your experience with type1.
Have a good WEEKEND!
Nice words thanks for that. Sorry for my delayed response.
God DID NOT give this to you. He is the author of good not evil!
Ecclesiastes 9:12 "Moreover, no one knows when their hour will come: As fish are caught in a cruel net, or birds are taken in a snare, so people are trapped by evil times that fall unexpectedly upon them."
This sucks! This has challenged my faith in healing! I have grown content with diabetes. I would rather live without it but I do not mind living with it. This mindset is not good! It is not God's plan.
Keep believing for healing. Stay in His Word. I do not know when we will be out of this disease, but I do know to make the most of the relationship we have with Him while we struggle with it.
I believe God gives everyone a challenge but to a certain degree. My mom always use to tell me that he would never give me something i could not handle. I do believe that. I also believe he gave us hardships to be thankful for the things that are good in our life. Everything will lead to good in the end. It makes us much stronger as people to be able to fight with this disease all the time.
Hey Everyone,
Wow, very awesome to see Christians posting in this group. And especially seeing people striving to stay strong in their faith with the Lord despite the type 1 setback. There's no greater peace out there than what Jesus can provide! Here's my 2 cents on this topic:
When I first got type 1, it was definitely challenging I prayed to God a lot to take it away, though it didn't happen. After hearing a pastor preach on how the Bible never guaranteed that illnesses would be healed in this earthly life, my perspective completely changed.
While there were miracles in the NT of healings, they were design to help reveal the Gospel to the world. Now that God's plan for the world has been revealed (The Bible), there really isn't need for these miracles. God can still perform these miracles but they aren't as frequent today, which is called cessationism.
The real miracle is inside our hearts saving us from spiritual death / the things of this world and giving us Eternal life with Christ where there will be no illnesses, etc. Diabetes can be an obstacle that can get us to stumble if we buy into the lies of the world. But with faith this giant can be overcome. As I've noticed in a couple other posts type 1 alone isn't as bad as the world claims it to be. And multiple diagnoses isn't the end of the world either. It's just simply not true. Just gotta get back to focusing on what is true; God's unconditional love for us no matter what, something the world just can't offer.
Don't have all the answers and by far not a theologian. As long as we have accepted the truth, having experienced it in your heart, nothing can separate us from the love of God (Rom 8:38) and there is a great eternity to look forward to!
As Christians we all know we live in a fallen, troubled world. Paul was a great follower of Jesus but he had a health affliction, was beaten, imprisoned, shipwrecked, and eventually put to death for his faith.
But we know too that all things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). God can take a bad situation and use it bless and teach us.
I have experienced that with my own diabetes. It's not something I'd wish on anyone else, but it has brought good things into my life too. It has helped make me the person I am.
I definitely feel that it was meant to be. I have always been somewhat healthy with exercise, but now that I got diagnosed I notice really how much sugar and carbs i ate. I think that this was a calling from God to change. I have become a better person after my diagnosis because I am re-looking at everything and trying to recreate myself. I have been going to mass more, I am joining peer ministry at my school and I am helping my family get healthier as I do too. I think that you can find something good in all situations and that is what god wants for us.
Do any of you still believe/expect healing from T1D?
I’ve had T1D for almost 32 years. As a child, I believed in healing from God as I was told. As an adult, I now feel that prayer and healing are simply false hope. I really struggle with religion. I don’t understand how God can have the power to heal but doesn’t use it and I’m expected to believe “God is love”. If I were loved and the power to heal does exist, why hasn’t it occurred? Why didn’t I deserve this?
Please let me know how you feel about healing/religion, and why T1Ds deserve this if there’s a ‘healer’ who ‘loves’ us. Please help!!! I’m so confused.