Possible email scam

Hey guys and gals, I just wanted to make you aware of a potential email scam. I received this on 031717 from monicacare202. It reads as follows;

Good Day To You,
How are you today and your family,
The reason I write you this letter is because I needed a trust worthy person that can handle this issue with care and carry out my instructions and directives with sincere heart I am Mrs Monica a Greece citizen living in Lome Togo, I’m 42 years old widow suffering from a long time cancer of the breast in addition to high blood pressure. Reference to the doctor’s confirmation that I have less than three months to live, So I have decided to Donate €, which I deposited in my bank for the help of orphans and the less privilege through you for the work of humanity in the society as I don’t have a child that will inherit my wealth when I’m no more alive, I know too well that this project will make you have limited access to your own activities, so I permit you to take 10% of this fund for your faithful time/commitment and use the rest for the work of humanity to fulfill my last wish on earth.reply E-mail (xxxxxx@hotmail.com)

Your Sister
Mrs Monica

While I was writing a email to the JDRF regarding this, the user profile was deleted. Just wanted to get the word out.

Yes, I have received it just now and I was going to do the same, so thank you.

i got it too - just ignored it and was going to contact JDRF as well but its gone

i got it to. i did,contact JDRF, about it.

this is a re-tread of the “Nigerian car” scam, or the “craigslist” scam.

They tell a sob story, then ask you to deposit a check. The check is from a foreign bank (takes 60 days to clear). then they beg you to send some money to “whatever” by cutting a personal check. They cash the check, then the original check they sent you bounces and TA-DA, you’ve been robbed.

This makes me sad, esp this particular sob story. Dante called “Treachery against strangers” the worst of human behavior.

I will ask the admins to “ban” this user. They can re-create another user and continue. Thanks so much for pointing it out. Sorry I felt it necessary to “x” out the users email. The more times it shows up the longer this can continue.

I got that email to I ignored and deleted the email after I read it