Giving up all hope at this point

I have said this once before and thank you for all that where able to spair a few items here and thier was a few people that advised me to pay for shipping and I did and never got the supplies and now I’m left with even more of a hole in my heart .A Tragedy has happened to me and my family we had a house fire . And I’m hoping anyone that will be able to help donate diabetic supplies im need dexcom g5 or g6 sensors and animas infusion sets to me I lost it all and have nothing and my Insurance company no longer covers any of the CGMs i was paying out of pocket Now I’m having to start all over again and with a baby on the way this is pretty stressful.

Hi @anon44602033

I wish I could hand you the supplies you are asking for, because it sounds like you’re going through a lot more than anyone should. All I can suggest is to connect with your local hospital and medical providers and see if there’s a diabetes navigator available for outpatient services. They may be able to help you with insurance or supplies, and support you in other ways too. If your house was properly insured for fire damage, then you may be entitled to recovery funds for those supplies through insurance. Also, any free or low cost clinic in the area might have some resources available or connections to help you.

Best wishes

Hi BrittanyRoy90, so sorry about your loss, what does your home owner’s ins. agent say about replacements? I was going to call Dexcom for addl’ info but they are closed now, I am a stock holder, not that that makes a lot of difference but you never know. I would assume , hopefully that Dexcom has a program for those customers that lost their equipment, Here is their E-mail Their phone # 1-888-738-3646 don’t know if any of this will help, but there is no harm in trying. keep in touch . Bye Jan

Brittany I have G5 sensors to donate. I have several boxes of 4. I know some are 4/2019 expiration. I do not know If you want them but private msg me and I will do what I can.

Tami I wrote you I’m not sure if you got it

I have a couple of boxes of animas sets. PM me.

Are they the round ones that go straight in?

Replied to private msg. I think we have connected since this post. I am not adept at navigating here.

Yes tami it was before we started talking sometimes this website doesn’t notify right away .

Yes. They’re blue. I also have the cartridges to go along with them.

Ok perfect that would be great thank you so much

I just need to know where to send them. Post your address or send it to ams (at) outlook dot com.

Whats your email address?

As obfuscated above: ams “at” outlook “dot” com

Can you email me

Hi Brittany, I hope things have improved for you. I just read your post today. I have many Animas cartridges if you still need them. Please message if you do. Regards Joanne

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Joanna I have messaged you