Positive Post about Diabetes - I'll share mine and hope you share yours :)

Hey all,

You know - I joined these forums after a friend of mine in a Type 1 support group told me about them. Its been nice to help others and also been nice to hear and share experiences with other Type 1s.

I see a lot of posts about people having problems, people having a hard time coping, and people just venting in general. I appreciate that.

However, on a flip side, I don't see a lot of posts about people's GOOD experiences with Type 1 diabetes. So, I thought I'd share mine.

I was diagnosed as a Type 1 in February 2007. I was engaged to be married, and had never had really a days illness in my life. An avid sportswoman, once upon a time, I had always been active. I got DKA because I didn't recognize the symptoms (even though my Dad is a Type 1 as well). I got DKA so bad that I was barely alive when I was admitted to the hospital.

Now, a little background - I lived in Europe from 1996 to 2002 and had moved back to the US to take care of a grandmother. I had gotten lazy, ballooned in weight, and met a guy (my then fiance) who didn't really live a healthy life. So, when I got diabetes, I was pretty unhappy, overweight, and wasn't doing anything but playing video games and working.

So, DKA and Type 1 was a galvanising moment for me. That first night in the hospital when I was lying there hearing the faint beep of my heart monitor and all the machines, I made a bucket list. Within 2 weeks of getting out of the hospital, I started changing my life. I started working out, doing more things I enjoyed and broke up with the guy that had been so bad for me. I started doing something that terrified me every day, and I still do.

Has diabetes made my life more difficult? Sure. I have to pack a glucometer everywhere I go, and supplies. That's a pain. But it also brought me a ton of new friends, new life experiences, and made me aware every day that I'm lucky to be alive. I've taken more time to turn off the computer, and instead walk my dogs or go downtown and people watch. I switched jobs to something I enjoy more.

Diabetes is the best thing that ever happened to me. I probably would not be here today if I hadn't have gotten it.

I think we all lose sight of how in the face of adversity, we find our true selves.

So - with that being said - what is one good thing you have in YOUR life because of diabetes? I think it would be good to hear more happy stories to help people dealing with kids, adolescents and young adults to have something to look forward to.

As a parent I cant see one good thing about my daughter being  diabetic.  She is worse off now than before.

I can sum it up in a very short statement. My spiritual relationship with GOD has grown much stronger. :)+

Like I said in my broken post.......i agree you CAN have positive days.  This week the only thing that went really wrong was that my cgm sensor sucked, but Medtronic promptlly send me a new one. 

But even with the positive things, there are times where it is very hard to FEEL positive.  Yeah I get positive about the a1c and stuff, but if there wasnt diabetes the a1c wouldnt be a issue. 

The sun is shining and its going to be 85-98 all weekend..and its summer!  HUGE positive.....but with that if i dont drink drink drink while outside my sugars sky rocket..its just me, my doc thinks its weird but we have seen the proof.  Yeah positive with the sun and weekend, but if there wasnt diabetes.....


I can only speak for myself, but yeah I am happy to be alive but I took care of myself before...diabetes has only brought me less self confidence and emotional pain.

Before being diagnosed with diabetes in 2009, I had never been admitted to a hospital. Hell, I'd never even had an IV. I spent that weekend in the hospital. Since then, I've learned tons about the way bodies work - some of it related to diabetes, lots of it just becuase i remembered how interesting bodies are. 

I was studying theatrical design before being diagnosed, but when I got back to school, I felt despondent, and I just didn't care about my theatre classes at all. The next semester, I signed up for a wilderness first responder class, which led me to take an EMT course which led me to a job that I absolutely love. 

Diabetes makes being an EMT hard. There's no set schedule. You don't always get to finish your meals. The adrenaline spikes my blood sugar like none other. When I get frustrated about how this job that I love is harder because of diabetes, I have to remember back to those theatre classes - how I just didn't care. I care so much about this job, and I am so grateful that my life (including diabetes) led me to being an EMT. 

Also, some of my best friends have diabetes, I babysit for adorable children with type 1 who I wouldn't know if I hadn't been diagnosed, and I am a part of a vibrant community which I never would have gotten involved with otherwise.

I also have a trump card, any time anyone complains about anything - sick of running? Suck it up, my blood sugar's in the 50's, and I'm still running! You're tired? I spent all day in the 300s! Having a hard time with time management? I can fit in my full time job, being a student, and being a pancreas, so I bet you can do it! I don't usually say these out loud to people, but I think them a lot. I am a pretty incredible person to be able to do all that I do, and I love how easy diabetes makes it for me to remember that. 

[quote user="ksum"]

I can sum it up in a very short statement. My spiritual relationship with GOD has grown much stronger. :)+



That is so true ksum

I have been T1 for 30 years and complication free!!! I don't let it get me down and I just do what I have to do to keep living a healthy life. My daughter is 5 and also has it, and yes I do get overwhelmed some days making sure we have both checked our blood sugar, bolused and all that stuff. But then i remind myself, she can and will live a long healthy life inspite of diabetes. She could have been diagnosed with cancer or something that has no support or meds to help. I can deal with this disease on a level that many parents cannot, simply because I understand and have gone through. So my positive thought to everyone is to be thankful this is not a terminal disease. We, and our children, can and will live long healthy lives. We just need to tend to our healthy a bit more than others. There are so many worse things that could be handed to us, and so we ended up with the 'big d" as my daughter and I call it. Oh well, life moves on.

Not to mention I am pretty healthy and in very good shape from taking such good care of myself so I am thankful for that. Keep the positive going!

I have a good excuse for wanting to be a doctor.

Even though i have been type one since i was 2 years old, i don't think i would have been this responsible about things. i would have probably be really CARELESS about my health, but this has made me grow up, before my friends, etc.

Also, its made me realize how lucky i am that my Mom takes care of me, and is always there even if i call her from school from school to come and change my pump site because it fell off, or i forgot my machine... etc. & Same for my Dad.

I am more responsible now and having diabetes has made me more conscienscous of how I take care of myself. Also, I feel that I have a stronger connection with God because by Him giving me this path, I know that there is something good planned for me if I don't lose faith :)

My little girl old me she has great parents when we got home from the hospital.

I've met some really, really cool people in my life that I wouldn't have if it weren't for my diabetes.  I met one of my good friends at a local support group for young women with type1.  I cycle with an awesome group of people organized by my local JDRF.  My endocrinologist and his wife have literally become family friends.  I love that I've found this site of really supportive and encouraging individuals with type 1.  And I think that I do look at all aspects of my health differently than I otherwise would have.  I've become a much more informed patient and am active in my own healthcare decisions as well as decisions concerning my child - rather than just blindly listening to "experts", I listen to myself as well.  And it's made me an even more determined person than I was before because I'm always determined to make sure d doesn't slow me down or stop me from doing things that are truly important to me.

Obviously no one is happy that they have diabetes, and I think we'd all get rid of it in a second if we could.  But I think i'ts really important to try and look on the positive side sometimes and appreciate some of the good things that have happened in our lives as a result of this terrible disease.  I would really urge those who can only think negatively about it to try and open your mind a little bit and think of at least one thing that's postiive.  It makes the emotional struggle of living with a chronic illness just a little bit easier.  And who couldn't use that?

I was diagnosed so early in my life that i did not know that it was a terrible thing that was happening to me. My life was happy and carefree even though I could not have candy anymore, and I had to have a shot of pork insulin every morning, I felt my life was good. There was so little known about diabetes in the 1940s when I was diagnosed. I managed to stay healthy despite running high blood sugar most of the time. After 64 years of Type 1 I am still healthy. I feel it is my purpose during my retirement to reach out and help other diabetics. I have joined 12 diabetes sites and i spend several hours each day giving support and advice whenever I feel I can help. I was asked on another diabetes site to write about my life as a diabetic. I wrote many blogs. Those blogs were put together as an ebook. It is posted on at least 10 websites. Many replies said I had given inspiration and hope for the futures of so many diabetics of all ages. I updated the ebook and added much new material and many pictures. I have been published and my book is being sold on amazon.com. If you want to look at my amazon page go to the amazon home page and type Beating The Odds 64 in the box at the top of the page. The complete subtitle is 64 Years of Diabetes Health. There have been 9 wonderful reviews of my book written on the page. I have been blessed by being so healthy after 64 years of diabetes. My online participation and my book are just my way of giving back and explaining that we can all have good lives. It is not easy and it takes much hard work, discipline  and patience, but it is certainly possible if you want it enough and put forth the necessary effort.

I should have added that Gina Capone gave me permission to talk about my book. Gina has known me for a few years and knows I am not a spammer.

I'm thankful for being otherwise completely healthy and happy!!

That's what Diabetes has helped me realize. I'm a lucky kid.

Richard - I'm so glad you're on this site and out in the world doing what you can to promote a healthy and happy life with diabetes.  It is very inspirational to me to see someone who has lived with this illness for so long but is in good health and can be so encouraging to the rest of us.  You are a testament to how far a positive attitude can go!

Thanks Candace, it is messages like the one you have written that inspired me to write my book. <smile>

I think it has made me a more responsible and mature person.  I look at people my age and see how reckless they are and how they take their bodies for granted and think to myself that they will be worse off than me in the future.

[quote user="Amanda"]

I'm thankful for being otherwise completely healthy and happy!!

That's what Diabetes has helped me realize. I'm a lucky kid.


TRUE DAT!!!! :)

purple prose