Can we have this group ?? One mother in the blogs said she was looking at Juvenation for one and could not find one.Teen years with d can be hard for parents.We want them to gain independence in all things--especially d care.....Thanks :)
Wait,hahaha I Want to change this to ---Parents of Teens and Young Adults with type1 (Group :)
I think that would be a great group! My daughter is almost 12, and sometimes I find that what she is going through is not the same as smaller children. It would be nice to talk to other parents that are doing the teen and puberty attitudes and the d stuff too. How do we do this?
My daughter was diaginised at 12 and is now 18. Do you have a local JDRF support group on your area? We have one and this has helped a lot!
I would love to be part of a parents of teens group too... my son is 13, in puberty, and recently diagnosed. Its pretty crazy around here...other parent in this situation would be a great support.
Thanks :) Maybe if enough parents show interest,Juvenation will give us that group :)
Juvenation was kind enough to give us that group.It is titled --Parents of Teens with Diabetes--please look for it and join if you have a teen.Thank you so much Juvenation for giving us that new group :)